January 30, 2021 Protest – Abolish ICE


Protesters had a relatively quiet night in front of the ICE facility tonight. Most of the sound in the area came from the drums that protesters kept going throughout the few hours they were there, which drew the ire of one neighborhood resident who took to yelling at protesters from their balcony across the intersection from the ICE facility. According to on-the-ground-estimates, there were around 70 protesters in attendance of this event.

Besides the appearance of a right-wing live-streamer and the previously mentioned irate neighbor, the demonstration was relatively calm until an explosion was heard in the area, reportedly freezing the crowd. Journalists that went to inspect the area found a soy sauce bottle, smelling heavily of something burnt, and other broken bottle pieces where the munition had been thrown, which was also in the yard of The Cottonwood School. After there was no follow up to this incident protesters went back to drumming and chanting in front of ICE.

The only officers seen all night included one seen inside the facility shining a bright flashlight at protesters from a third story window, and occasionally setting it to strobe, and one who was seen moving behind the front door towards the end of the night but never came out. Without police interference and, for once, with the vigil they built still in tact, protesters ended the demonstration around 12:30 am.


A demonstration in front of ICE begins at Elizabeth Caruthers Park nearby at 9 pm.

Around 9:15 pm federal officers begin making an announcement to just-arriving protesters.

A right-wing livestreamer is present at the protest, and is promptly removed by members of the group.

FLASH WARNING: The first 5 seconds of the footage below contains a small rapidly flashing light. The light is no longer in frame after the first 5 seconds.

A closer look at the vigil in front of the ICE facility.

Just after 9:30 pm a munition is deployed in the area, the origin of which is unknown.

Although the footage is not included here, a neighborhood resident has been engaged in a verbal altercation with protesters while standing on their balcony. This is the verbal altercation referred to below:

FLASH WARNING: The footage below contains a rapidly flashing light for the duration of the video.
The seemingly lone officer in the window of the ICE facility sets their flashlight to strobe at protesters.

Federal officers make a third announcement to protesters, but still no police force has appeared on the street.

There appears to be movement behind the boarded-up door of the facility.

With no interference from police, the demonstration ends by 12:30 am.

Media Present


Agencies Present

Homeland Security – Federal Protective Services



January 27, 2021 Protest – Holocaust Remembrance Day Memorial


Community members gathered tonight at a memorial for Holocaust Remembrance Day across the street from the ICE facility. The demonstration was relatively quiet at first, with a mix of people coming to pay their respects at the memorial and protesters closer to the ICE facility chanting in front of the driveway. After a dumpster with its contents on fire is wheeled into the driveway of the building, federal officers emerged to push protesters away. Rather than their usual move of immediately firing tear gas however, federal forces deployed pepper balls and sustained a long standoff with protesters in the street. The dumpster fire was largely ignored until a firetruck eventually came and the fire was put out.

Shortly after going back inside the facility, an unlawful assembly was declared by Homeland Security officers, and federal forces once again emerged to push protesters away from the building. This time however, officers pushed protesters further out, deploying more pepper balls and bull rushing the group. The demonstration ended shortly after, by around 12:30 am.


A memorial for Holocaust Remembrance Day is set up across from the ICE facility in South Portland, and community members gather to pay respects and protest ICE.

Federal officers make an announcement to protesters just after 10 pm, telling the group to stay off federal property.

Around 10:30 pm federal officers emerge from the facility and standoff with protesters.

A Portland Police riot van arrives at the ICE facility with reinforcements at 11:04 pm.

At about 11:15 pm a firetruck arrives to put out the dumpster fire that had been rolled into the driveway of the facility.

At about 11:25 pm federal officers declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

After retreating back into the facility about 10 minutes ago, federal officers and Portland Police have returned to the street to once again standoff with protesters.

Officers begin pushing protesters away from the ICE facility.

By 12:20 am the demonstration has come to an end.

Media Present


Agencies Present

  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Services
  • Portland Police Bureau


pepper balls

News for the week of January 25


AP News

AP Analysis: Racial disparity seen in US vaccination drive

Courthouse News Service

Portland Mayor Pepper Sprays Lawyer Who Got Too Close


To See the Danger of a Domestic “War on Terror,” Look No Further Than This Florida Case


School next to ICE calls for end to chemical weapons use

Medium – Alissa Azar

Jungle Gyms and Grenades: Chemical Warfare in Portland and the Lasting Impacts at a Nearby School


Fatal Police Shootings Of Unarmed Black People Reveal Troubling Patterns


The Oregonian

PDX Monthly

LISTEN: Police Violence, Civil Rights, and Black and Latinx Movements

Willamette Week

Far Right Extremism

AP News


Legacy Salmon Creek in lockdown overnight

The New York Times


The Oregonian

Toronto City News

House of Commons passes motion to designate Proud Boys a terrorist entity

USA Today

Capitol riot inquiry grows to 400 suspects; feds expect to bring sedition charges ‘very soon’

Vice News

Wall Street Journal

Video Investigation: Proud Boys Were Key Instigators in Capitol Riot


The Oregonian

Motels meant to house wildfire victims, chronically homeless won’t open until February at earliest


The Oregonian

The Washington Post

Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas blocks Biden’s deportation ‘pause’


AP News

Biden orders Justice Dept. to end use of private prisons


Biden orders DOJ to end private prison contracts as part of racial equity push


Northwest prosecutors join in call to end federal executions

The Oregonian

‘It’s just a matter of time’: Inmates detail horrid conditions amid COVID spike in Oregon prisons

Perilous Chronicle

“A Dumping Ground of COVID Cases”: Blackouts, Protests, and Outbreaks at Oregon’s Two Rivers Prison

Willamette Week

Oregon Prisoners Could Get the Right to Vote While Incarcerated Under New Senate Bill

Law Enforcement

The Appeal

Austin May Use Money Cut From Police Budget to Buy Permanent Supportive Housing

Daily KOS

Biden executive orders on racial equity to include renewed ban on military equipment to local police


The Nation

The Madcap Mysteries of Homeland Security

The New Republic

How Do You Deradicalize a Cop?


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Oregon Legislature Eyes More Police Reform Bills This Session

January 24, 2021 Protest – Fuck ICE


Another demonstration and vigil at ICE begins at Elizabeth Caruthers Park, then marches to the facility.

A light turns on in the otherwise dark ICE facility and an officers are seen inside.

The demonstration ends by 11:30 pm with no police escalation.

Media Present

January 23, 2021 Protest – Abolish ICE


Protesters gathered at Elizabeth Caruthers Park tonight ahead of a march and vigil for child victims of ICE. Federal officers began making announcements early, before the bulk of the group arrived from the park, at protesters who were across from ICE setting up the vigil. Journalists arriving with the marching protesters noticed snipers once again on the roof of the ICE facility, and at least two journalists had a rooftop rifle pointed at them when they stopped to take pictures of the officers.

As protesters stood outside the facility and chanted, drummed, and danced, federal officers came out in multiple waves, initially making a few targeted arrested then reentering the facility. After the first few times officers emerged from the building, they began firing impact munitions and tear gas at protesters. Some tear gas canisters and spent munitions even ended up at The Cottonwood School next door, which has created a concern within the community that children will be exposed to the harmful effects of tear gas in their schoolyard. After hours of munitions being deployed on protesters and another vigil once again wrecked by federal forces, the demonstration ended by 1 am, while volunteers stayed behind and collected munitions for the next few hours.


A demonstration in front of the ICE facility tonight begins at Elizabeth Caruthers Park.

Before the rest of the march leaves the park, a small group of protesters get to the ICE facility ahead of time to set candles for a vigil. Federal officers can already be heard making announcements to the small group.

Around 9:15 pm the march arrives at the ICE facility.

Spotted on top of the roof of the ICE facility:

Federal officers exit the building around 9:35 pm.

A protester has been arrested by federal officers.

Just before 9:40 pm Homeland Security declares the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Just after 9:50 pm an ambulance is seen entering the ICE facility.

DHS officers come out and push protesters away from the facility.

As of 10:40 pm there are still around 100 protesters outside ICE.

Officers come out and make a targeted arrest.

Officers reemerge and deploy munitions at protesters, pushing the group away from the ICE facility.

Protesters push back towards the ICE facility.

Federal officers release another round of munitions on protesters.

The demonstration ends after extensive gas and munitions use by federal officers.

Media Present


Agencies Present

  • Border Patrol Tactical Unit 
  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Services


  • flash bangs
  • mace
  • pepper balls
  • rubber bullets
  • tear gas

January 20, 2021 Protest – Irving Park


A protest set to start at Irving Park is suddenly delayed when a car rolls over next to the park.

At around 6:20 pm the demonstration begins despite the police presence in the area due to the car accident.

The march returns to its starting point and comes to an end just before 8 pm.

Media Present

January 21, 2021 Protest – Abolish ICE


A small demonstration in front of the ICE facility, also the location of last night’s protest, begins around 9 pm.

Federal officers come out of the facility around 9:30 pm.

A few protesters are arrested around 9:50 pm, including an individual in a wheelchair.

The journalist above who has been posting updates at ICE, Cozca, has reportedly been arrested by federal officers.

With the protest long over, at 3:22 am Cozca announces on social media that she is home safe.

Media Present


Agencies Present

Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service

January 20, 2021 Protest – Abolish ICE


After a few hours of rest after Revolution Hall Portland is back out for another protest tonight, this time at ICE. The night began at Elizabeth Caruthers Park, where protesters gathered and began marching from at 9:10 pm. Upon arriving at the ICE facility in South Portland, the 150-or-so protesters chanted at the gates and a small amount of graffiti was applied to the plywood on the side of the building. This prompted an immediate unlawful assembly declaration from Homeland Security and the arrival of officers in riot gear.

What followed for the next few hours was round after round of relentless tear gas being deployed by law enforcement and multiple targeted arrests. There are many reports of those on the ground, including those wearing gas masks, who became very sick because of the gas; one protester also collapsed due to a seizure triggered by a strobing flashlight a federal officer was using. After hours of protesters and police pushing back and forth, towards and away from the ICE facility, by midnight numbers had diminished and the demonstration ended.

A Note on Gas Used Tonight

There have been many reports of adverse effects from the gas used by federal officers tonight, even for those wearing gas masks. It is unclear if what was used tonight is different from the gas used in the past or if it was the sheer volume that has affected protesters, but Dr. Juniper L Simonis and other researchers studys police munitions and could use mask filters for research purposes.

Team Raccoon, who do community cleanup and have provided protest equipment in the past, are also offering to exchange spent filters for new ones.


A demonstration at the Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) building is scheduled to begin at 8 pm.

At about 8:17 pm Portland Police make an announcement to protesters ahead of the event while people are still gathering in the park.

Around 9:10 pm, protesters begin marching towards the ICE facility.

At about 9:15 pm, protesters arrive at the ICE facility.

Just before 9:30 pm, Homeland Security officers declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Federal officers in riot gear appear behind the facility gate just before 9:45 pm.

Federal officers shoot a copious amount of smoke/tear gas grenades and impact munitions at protesters.

Typo clarified by tweet author below: “shout” is meant to be “shoot”.

Portland Police officer on bicycles arrive on the scene.

Officers retreat back towards the ICE facility.

As protesters are pushed back towards ICE, more munitions are deployed at them by officers.

*FLASH WARNING*: The footage below contains a rapidly flashing light.

Another angle of an officer macing a protester that is already on the ground:

An officer appears to have misplaced a part of their equipment:

Homeland Security once again declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

By midnight the protest has ended.

Media Present


Agencies Present

  • Border Patrol Tactical Unit
  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service
  • Oregon State Police
  • Portland Police Bureau


  • flash bangs
  • tear gas
  • pepper balls
  • smoke grenades
  • mace




  • Assaulting a Public Safety Officer
  • Attempt Assault of a Public Safety Officer
  • Disorderly Conduct II
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer 
  • Reckless Endangering 
  • Resisting Arrest 

January 20, 2021 Protest – J20 “Fuck the State. Fuck Biden.”


Today is Inauguration Day; this morning Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn is as President and Vice President of the United States. But for anti-fascists across the country, there is still a lot of work to be done despite the new Democrat president. Portlanders gathered at Revolution Hall for a march and were immediately met by Portland Police officers, who asked for protesters’ IDs and searched them for weapons. Officers with bicycles continued harassing the 100-or-so protesters gathered at the park until withdrawing just after 3 pm, allowing the growing crowd to finally march. At its peak, attendance of the march was estimated around 300 people.

The group of protesters got as far as the river before becoming splintered. Some of those in attendance wanted to go over the bridge, while others were moving towards the convention center further north. In stasis due to indecision, most of the group ultimately decided that marching back to Revolution Hall would be better than staying still. As they marched back officers returned and physically splintered the group. Targeted arrests were conducted and protesters were brutalized in the usual manner by Portland Police. By around 4:25 pm the demonstration ended and protesters attempted to leave the area. However, multiple protesters were arrested while leaving the demonstration, including one medic.


An Inauguration Day protest begins at Revolution Hall in Northeast Portland at 2 pm.

Gathering protesters are immediately met by Portland Police officers on bicycles.

Officers return and confiscate a banner, seen above.

Munitions are deployed by Portland Police.

At about 3:10 pm protesters begin marching.

The Portland Police loudspeaker van (a.k.a. “DJ LRAD”) arrives and makes an announcement to protesters, telling them to stay out of the road.

DJ LRAD: “Move to the sidewalks, now.”

At about 3:45 pm protesters arrive at the Democratic Party of Oregon HQ building and promptly smash the windows.

Officers on bikes return to the protest.

As protesters attempt to leave they continue to be harassed and arrested by officers.

Media Present


Agencies Present

Portland Police Bureau


smoke grenades




  • Criminal Mischief I 
  • Criminal Mischief II 
  • Criminal Mischief III
  • Disorderly Conduct II 
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer
  • Possession of a Destructive Device
  • Reckless Burning
  • Resist Arrest 
  • Riot

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Protest

Scheduled Events

Reclaim Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day – 1pm at 700 N Rosa Parks Way




The Oregonian