Protests for July 31


Protests continued across Portland, from a car caravan that looped from East Portland to downtown, to a Firefighters in Solidarity with BLM event, to The People Vs. ICE holding a march and rally to talk about its impact on their community and solidarity with other oppressed groups.

Marchers gathered at Waterfront Park before proceeding to the Justice Center, including the Unemployed Workers for Black Lives march which marked the scheduled expiration of CARES act funding on July 31. AZN Bloc and Moms for Black Liberation also rallied together with the workers’ group. At the Justice Center, minimal police presence was seen as protesters gave speeches, chanted, and started small fires in the street. Most activity had wound down by 2 AM.

Scheduled Events


The People vs. ICE is a rally and march this afternoon:

The Portland firefighters for BLM are gathering at the park named in their honor at NW 18th & Burnside:

Multiple times a week, car caravan protests offer a COVID-safe option to get out and show support for Black Lives Matter:

Several groups are planning to join protests tonight at the Justice Center, including an unemployed workers’ march, and Asians for Black Liberation. Folks are gathering at Waterfront Park to start this off:

At the Justice Center, speeches are happening on the steps and a support team is handing out safety gear next to the park:

Marchers leave Waterfront Park:

Meanwhile at Revolution Hall:

Downtown, the Justice Center/Federal Courthouse protest has grown to about a thousand people:

“Abolish the police!”

“Do you want to taste freedom, or not? Do you want to taste justice, or not! Justice is not those individuals being put in prison, justice is when we prevent this from ever happening again!”

A little percussion to go with the chants:

It’s still quiet on the law enforcement side of the fence:

Some small fires:

Not much police presence on the street level, but they’re definitely watching:

This is turning into a decent little campfire:

Fires continue to provoke disagreement, but also –

Some reports of Trump supporters who showed up to yell at people (and probably start a fight):

Some of the moms want the fire put out, so that’s the end of it.

On the other side of the block, cops come out and sweep trash away from one of the doors:

The moms left, so now there’s another fire:

New art!




Associated Press

Oregon hopes for changes from ongoing Portland protests

Courthouse News

The Guardian

US homeland security surveilling journalists covering Portland protests

The Nation

Playing War While Dressed to Kill in Portland

NBC News

‘They have to defend themselves’: U.S. Marshals speak out on violent clashes with Portland protestors

The New York Times

Homeland Security Shuts Down ‘Intelligence’ Reports on Journalists


The Oregonian


Portland Mercury


Washington Post


Agencies present

  • Federal: unknown, watching from the Federal Courthouse upper levels
  • Portland Police Bureau
  • Oregon State Police

Munitions used


Number of arrests

PPB: none



Protests for July 30


At about 5:30 am on July 30th individuals living in Lownsdale Square Park, across from the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, were abruptly told by Portland Police Bureau officers that they had 10 minutes to gather what they could and vacate the area in an early morning sweep. The blue tents that had become a staple at the nightly protests providing food and medical supplies to protestors were taken down and the park was cleared of the belongings of the people that lived there. The park was then taped off and it was announced that Lownsdale Square and its neighboring parks, Chapman Square and Terry Schrunk Plaza, were closed.

At 10 AM, a march demanding justice for Patrick Kimmons led by his mother was held downtown. The group began at the Justice Center, then marched to the place where Patrick was shot by police, and then back to the Justice Center, where they encountered Portland Police officers in one of the closed off parks. At this demonstration, two protesters were arrested by Portland Police. Pro-police “Blue Lives Matter” counter-protesters were also present in the area downtown, but besides some mild verbal interaction between the two groups, there were no altercations.

At night, the demonstration in front of the Justice Center and Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse proceeded as usual, and it was a largely uneventful night. Protesters gathered in front of the Justice Center initially to listen to members of the community speak and then moved over to the federal courthouse. There were only some minor incidents, including small fires set around the area and protesters shaking the fence surrounding the federal courthouse, but none of these prompted a response by law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers were seen only once throughout the night, around 2:50 AM, when unidentified federal officers (it was difficult to see their uniforms in the dark in the few videos that captured them) stepped out of the courthouse and into the portico between the front of the building and the surrounding fence, looked around, and then went back inside. From here the night ended without any further incident.

Scheduled Events


At 10 AM a group of protesters rallied at the Justice Center demanding justice for Patrick Kimmons, led by his mother.

At one point a woman was reportedly assaulted near protesters. Police officers standing nearby did not respond. It is also unclear if either party of the incident were a part of the protest.

Pro-police counterprotesters were seen downtown by the Justice Center.

Two protesters were arrested, including an individual (seen in the second video below) that has been seen playing a trumpet for protesters at demonstrations.

In the evening, the nightly demonstration in front of the Justice Center and Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse happened as usual.

At about 1 AM, a new version of the Snack Van (which has been providing snacks for protesters for weeks and has repeatedly been the target of attacks by law enforcement) arrived at the demonstration.

As 2 AM hit and protester numbers dwindled, there still hadn’t been any engagement from law enforcement officers.

Just after 2:50 AM, law enforcement officers were seen walking around in the portico in front of the federal courthouse. Minutes later they went back inside and did not engage with protesters.




ABC News

How Portland became nation’s hotbed for clashes between protesters and federal agents


A photojournalist who was shot in the eye says it’s not just violent rioters being targeted in Portland

Columbia Journalism Review

Taking shots in Portland


Trump Calls Portland Protesters ‘Anarchists’ And ‘Agitators.’ Data Shows Otherwise.

The Guardian

Portland sees peaceful night of protests following withdrawal of federal agents


Trump threatens to send National Guard to Portland and calls protesters ‘terrorists’


Campers cleared from Portland parks after protest


How Black anarchists are keeping the protest movement alive

The Nation

How the DHS Can Still Arrest Journalists in Portland

NBC News

Trump calls Portland protesters ‘terrorists,’ claims they ‘hate our country’

The New Republic

All Police Can Be Secret Police


How Portland’s Racist History Informs Today’s Protests


Analysis: Portland protesters vary as much as their arrests

Portland leaders promise less tear gas as Oregon State Police arrive

Portland police clear parks across from federal courthouse in early-morning sweep

The Oregonian

Oregon state troopers start duty at federal courthouse ahead of Portland protests Thursday

Leaders in Thursday night crowd called out violence, turned focus away from federal courthouse in Portland


Citing impostors, feds urge lifting of court order protecting journalists amid Portland protests

Portland Mercury

Portland Police Temporarily Barred From Live-Streaming Protests

Portland Police Will Work Closely With State Troopers Guarding Federal Courthouse


Portland Protesters No Longer Being Banned From Attending Protests to Win Release From Jail


Portland protesters put out fires as feds withdraw


America, here’s the truth about Portland’s protests that the mainstream is hiding

The Seattle Times

Man takes stand against street bonfire amid uncertainty over what happens next in Portland protests

Shootings increase during Portland protests


‘It’s About the Core Values of Black Lives Matter.’ Portland Activists Are Trying to Remind People Why They Started Protesting to Begin With

The Washington Post

DHS compiled ‘intelligence reports’ on journalists who published leaked documents

Protests live updates: Calm returns to Portland protests as federal forces pull back

Protests live updates: No charges for former officer who killed Michael Brown; DHS compiles reports on journalists

Willamette Week

Holly Martinez and Rian Peck Are Suing the Federal Government. They’re Not Alone.

President Trump Gives Oregon State Police Two Days to “Clean Out This Beehive of Terrorists”

Portland Bureau of Environmental Services Says It Is Investigating the Federal Rinsing of Tear Gas Into Storm Drains

Mayor Ted Wheeler Apologizes for Portland Police Bureau’s Excessive Use of Tear Gas


Agencies Present

  • Portland Police Bureau
  • Unidentified federal officers






Disorderly conduct II, Criminal mischief II, Trespassing II, Interfering with a peace officer

Protests for July 29


(*FLASH WARNING*: In multiple videos, federal agents were seen using a rapidly flashing light aimed at protestors. All footage that captures this light have a flash warning above them as well as a video description explaining the clip’s contents. Please avoid watching these videos if you have epilepsy and/or are affected by flashing lights.)

In Downtown Portland, demonstrations in front of the Justice Center and Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse continued as they have nearly every night for over the last 60 days. Estimates from journalists put the number of protestors in the area around 500 people at its peak.

The night began with most protestors in front of the Justice Center, where they listened to speakers and music. Without evidence of provocation, federal officers began teargassing the demonstration at around 11 PM, and continued to do so with only small breaks in between for the next few hours. At around 11:50 PM, federal officers came out of the federal courthouse from multiple sides and boxed many protestors into a few city blocks and began pushing them east away from the courthouse. Multiple arrests were made at this time. Federal officers also appeared to re-enter the courthouse building multiple times, only to reemerge each time and deploy more tear gas, impact munitions, and pepper balls at protestors. Despite the dwindling number of protestors by 1 AM, federal officers continued to deploy large amounts of tear gas.

Just before 2 AM, federal officers were seen driving into the area in two unmarked cars, one black and one white. Officers jumped out of the car and appeared to attempt to detain a protestor that was in Lownsdale Park across from the federal courthouse. It is unclear if they succeeded at detaining anyone, but they quickly got back into the two cars and drove west away from the scene. As the rest of the federal officers on the ground returned to the courthouse, they continued deploying tear gas at the small crowd that remained.

The night ended by about 3 AM without further incident or confrontation from law enforcement officers.

Scheduled Events


Local activist Mac Smiff gave a rousing speech to protestors on the steps of the Justice Center.

Transcript: “… try and reform the police, because it doesn’t do anything. The police are not a reformable institution. The police really aren’t even an institution, the police union is an institution, and the city is an institution, the Portland Police Bureau is just a group of signed checks. I’m […] right now. I need you guys to understand that our fight is a long fight. Because we are not just fighting against the city, we’re not just fighting against Donald Trump, we’re fighting against all of them. [drums] the bad guys are fighting this shit. But! They said Black Lives Matter. ‘Cause we do. But they wanted us to focus on the problem, not the solution. And they dangled the funding in front of our faces as if, oh yeah that’s not really gonna happen. And we looked into it, and that shit is real. Defunding the police is an action that can happen tomorrow. [drums] right now and cut the budget. It can fucking happen. And then quit. [drums] Understand, understand, but to do nothing is […] but know my friends talk you into voting on oversight improvement, in November. That is bullshit. And when they ask you this week, if that’s what you want to do, you tell them that’s bullshit! And you tell them we’re taking [funding?] from the fucking cops, give it to our schools, give it to mental health, [drums and cheering] Some people have way less, way less than anybody else! And you all know what I’m talking about. None of this shit would be happening, we wouldn’t have gangs and shit if people had what they fucking needed to have.”

Federal Protective Services (Homeland Security) officers were heard for the first time of the night at 10:50 PM making announcements to protestors over their loudspeakers.

Federal officers released their first round of tear gas just before 11 PM.

Federal Protective Services officers declared an unlawful assembly at 11:30 PM and deployed a second round of tear gas.

At about 11:50 PM, federal officers exited the courthouse onto the street.

*FLASH WARNING*: The clip below contains rapidly flashing lights.
Video Description: Federal officers are seen standing nearby as an offscreen group of federal agents pushes protestors north away from the federal courthouse. A trumpet can be heard playing in the background, and protestors passing by are chanting “Walk, don’t run” and “Stay together, stay tight. We do this every night”.

*FLASH WARNING*: The clip below contains rapidly flashing lights.
Video description: A line of federal officers advances east, pushing protestors away from the intersection just north of the federal courthouse. There is a group, made up largely of press, seen passing a line of federal officers facing south.

*FLASH WARNING*: The clip below contains rapidly flashing lights.
Video Description: One federal officer in a tan camouflage uniform is seen holding their weapon at eye level and shoots munitions (presumably pepper balls) towards a group of protestors, some holding homemade shields. Members of the press are seen documenting the moment to the side of the space between federal officers and protestors.

As a group of federal officers attempted to leave the scene, the side door to the courthouse they were using got jammed before closing fully.

Federal officers drove up to protestors in unmarked, seemingly civilian vehicles.




ABC News

Federal court to review ‘protest bans’ in Portland arrests

Oregon governor announces ‘phased withdrawal’ of federal officers from Portland

BBC News

Portland protests: Federal forces ready for phased pull-out

Bon Appetit

No Matter How Many Meals We Serve, They’re Still Going to Attack Us


Oregon, federal government reach deal for withdrawal of agents from Portland


Homeland Security and Oregon reach deal to begin withdrawing federal agents from Portland

Courthouse News

‘Occupying Force’ of Federal Agents to Begin Pulling Out of Portland, Oregon

Daily Beast

What Pullout? Feds Gas Moms in Fresh Portland Crackdown

The Hill

Trump blasts Oregon officials over Portland protests


Journalist shot in the face with impact munition by federal agents during Portland protest

Tear gas in the air, officers hit the streets on Day 63 of Portland protests


Photos: Portland, outside the protest zone


Portland is No ‘White Spectacle,’ but a Flashpoint in the Struggle for Human Dignity

Mother Jones

Trump Threatens to Escalate Federal Invasion of Portland

NBC News

Oregon governor says feds to leave Portland, but feds say they’re staying

The New York Times

Federal Agencies Agree to Withdraw From Portland, With Conditions


For Some Arrested At Portland Protests, Release Is Conditional On Not Attending More

Oregon Gov. Says Federal Officers Will Begin Phased Withdrawal From Portland


‘It’s like they’re testing it on us’: Portland protesters say tear gas has caused irregularities with their periods

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announces ‘phased’ removal of federal officers from Portland

‘Very serious conversations’ underway to remove federal officers from Portland

The Oregonian

Former Portland police officer, on desk duty after record brutality verdict, now accused of sexually harassing co-worker

No-protest condition will be dropped for people facing federal charges in Portland demonstrations

Portland protesters react Wednesday to news that federal officers may withdraw (live updates)

Portland’s Wall of Moms crumbles amid online allegations by former partner, Don’t Shoot PDX

Portland Mercury

With Some Feds Leaving Portland, How Will Protest Policing Dynamics Change?


We Are Tracking What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protestors

The Washington Post

Protests live updates: Trump threatens to send National Guard to Portland

Willamette Week

Hardesty and Wheeler Declare Truce and Send Portland Voters a Proposal for Police Reform

Portland Comedian and Musician Creme Brulee Has Become a Fixture of the Protests—Mostly By Dancing

Gov. Kate Brown Says Feds Have Agreed to “Phased Withdrawal” From Portland Starting Thursday

Into the Gas: Night After Night, Portlanders Confront Trump’s Violent Police in Downtown. It Feels Like a Party, and the End of the World.


Agencies Present

  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Services
  • Customs & Border Protection
  • U.S. Marshals
  • Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC)


  • tear gas
  • pepper balls
  • flash bangs
  • impact munitions




Assaulting a federal officer x 3, Failure to comply with a lawful order x 1

Protests for July 28


Tuesday night’s protests downtown started with an Indigenous group gathering to sing and mark a ceremony in the park across from the Federal Courthouse. The Walls of Moms and Vets returned to stand in protection of other protesters, while speeches happened outside the Justice Center. About 1500 people were participating at the night’s peak.

Much of the night was uneventful, with periodic announcements from the Federal Courthouse and sporadic firing of pepper balls. Around 1:30 AM the feds announced an unlawful assembly, ordering people to leave and firing tear gas. There was no further escalation until after 2 AM as several members of the press began to leave, at which point a large group of feds emerged from the courthouse and began marching up the street and clearing the parks. After teargassing the area and pushing protesters toward SW 5th Ave, the feds then retreated. There was minimal activity after this until about 4 AM when a remaining member of the press was suddenly arrested.

Scheduled Events


Back at the Federal Courthouse again tonight, let’s have a quick look at the current fence situation:

Meanwhile in the park across the street, a Native group is holding a ceremony:

Hosing off the courthouse entrance while people are gathered outside seems like a good way to make sure everyone gets another dose of last night’s chemical weapons:

Speeches are happening on the steps of the Justice Center:

The moms are in place, facing the Federal Courthouse:

There’s an announcement from the Federal Courthouse LRAD:

Just before 10 PM the feds emerge from the courthouse, where few people are currently gathered. People are reporting that they briefly fired some pepper balls, then returned inside.

Speeches continue, the Native group is singing in front of the Federal Courthouse, and there’s always some chants:

Folks have been commenting that the federal LRAD announcements seem to be on a schedule:

If we confirm that from previous night’s accounts, I’ll add a note here.

There’s a small trash fire next to the fence:

The consensus from the people we’re following seems to be that the vibe is off tonight, lots of random fights and people policing others’ protests:

The bathroom situation down there has not been great, so this is a nice touch:

The wall of moms and vets moves in formation, toward the courthouse:

Another announcement at just about 11:30 PM:

Another look at the crowd, definitely smaller tonight:

A little after midnight there was a scare when the feds came out, but it was short-lived:

About 20 minutes later, a short burst of activity from the feds:

There’s another small trash fire going:

The moms are still here and ready:

Half an hour later, the feds again shoot some pepper balls at the crowd. Not much precedes this aside from the occasional firework:

Periodic announcements to not damage the fence continue:

At about 1:30 AM the feds declare an unlawful assembly:

Protesters are ordered to move away to the west and north:

Then the feds start shooting tear gas:

Protesters pull back from the fence to the opposite side of the street:

A section of the fence was torn at some point:

Around 2 AM, things had thinned out substantially and reporters started talking about wrapping up:

Not long after, the feds marched on the street:

They then use tear gas and riot munitions to clear the streets outside the courthouse and the (city) parks:

Warning: flashing lights on this video

Just before 4 AM, long after the feds had retreated back to the courthouse, a journalist is arrested:




Associated Press

Source: US, Oregon in talks about pulling agents in Portland


Trump administration plans to keep federal presence in Portland into October, email shows

East Oregonian

Crowdfunding campaign places Black Lives Matter billboard in Pendleton

The Intercept

Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Lieu Introduce Amendment to Curtail Federal Crackdown on Protesters

The New York Times


Portland Photojournalist Arrested During Protests Describes Abuse by Federal Agents


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Pro Publica

“Defendant Shall Not Attend Protests”: In Portland, Getting Out of Jail Requires Relinquishing Constitutional Rights

Washington Post

Oregon governor, federal officials announce withdrawal of most federal agents, but timelines differ

Willamette Week


Agencies present

Federal: DHS, US Marshals, etc.

Munitions used

  • Pepper balls
  • Flash bang grenades
  • Tear gas

Number of arrests

Federal: one charged (as of 4pm on 7/31)


  • Arson

Protests for July 27


In Downtown Portland, the nightly demonstration in front of the Justice Center and Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse continued as it has almost every night for the last 60 days. Among the hundreds of participants were some recognizable groups including the Wall of Moms, the Wall of Vets, and the Dad Pod. Unfortunately, a group that wasn’t there was locally beloved Riot Ribs (who had been feeding protestors and the surrounding community alike free of charge for the last few weeks), who announced during the day over Twitter that they were dissolving.

Multiple fires were set early in the night, one at the site of the former elk statue and one in the portico in front of the federal courthouse. Not long after, federal officers deployed tear gas, pepper balls, flash bangs, and impact munitions at protestors from inside the courthouse.

At 11:40 PM, after multiple heavy rounds of tear gas use, federal officers declared the demonstration an unlawful assembly. Following this declaration was more deployment of tear gas, pepper balls, and impact munitions against protestors until just after 1 AM, when federal officers moved out onto the streets and pushed protestors west out of the area. After federal officers retreated back off the streets, protestors promptly returned to the area in front of the courthouse.

The night seemingly ended without further incident.

Scheduled Events


A vigil was held in honor of Tete Gulley, a black houseless woman in Portland whose death was labeled a suicide, which has been widely contested by her family and the community.

Downtown, the evening demonstration in front of the Justice Center and Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse occurred as usual.

Journalist Eder Campuzano outlined the two different groups that were demonstrating downtown:

At about 11:30 PM, federal officers emerged from the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse for the first time of the night. By 11:35 PM they had begun deploying tear gas and impact munitions against protestors from inside the fence surrounding the courthouse.

At about 11:45 PM, federal officers warned that they would declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Following about 20 minutes of tear gassing and shooting pepper balls at protestors, federal officers reentered the courthouse after putting out the fire in the portico.

At about 11:40 AM, federal officers declared the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Just after 1 AM, federal officers exited the courthouse and pushed protestors out of the area going several different directions.

After federal officers withdrew, protestors appeared to move back to the area in front of the federal courthouse that officers had cleared.

After this point the night seemingly ended without further incident.

Early the next morning, Riot Ribs posted a press release to their Twitter account explaining their decision to dissolve:




ABC News

US Attorney: Feds will stay in Portland until attacks end

AP News

Barr to condemn rioting at much-anticipated House hearing

BBC News

Portland protests: Ban federal agents from cities, Democratic mayors say

Business Insider

A journalist who’s worked with PBS and National Geographic tells us what it was like being shot in the eye by law enforcement in Portland

CBS News

Barr to tell House Judiciary Committee that Portland protests are “an assault on the government of the United States”

Courthouse News

Portland Protesters Undeterred by Near Triple-Digit Heat


Peaceful protests and violent clashes erupted this weekend. Here’s what happened in 6 cities

The Hill

Wall of Moms, Black Lives Matter sue Trump admin over Portland response

22 people facing federal charges in connection to Portland protests


Don’t Shoot PDX, Wall of Moms file lawsuit against Homeland Security

22 protesters face federal charges after arrests in Portland over the weekend


Demonstrators congregate in downtown Portland as protests continue

Los Angeles Times

As protests against federal agents grow in Portland, Black activists worry their message is getting lost

‘The Moms Are Here’: ‘Wall of Moms’ Groups Mobilize Nationwide

The Oregonian

At Portland protests, Riot Ribs is dissolving completely after threats to group’s safety

Law office of Portland police union attorneys vandalized

Wall of Moms, Don’t Shoot Portland sue federal Homeland Security, Justice Departments

Two Portlanders hospitalized after shot with munitions: ‘If that round had hit me in the neck, I definitely would have died.’

Portland protests return for 61st day after weekend of large crowds, clashes with police (live updates)

Portland Mercury

Federal Officers Probably Aren’t Leaving Downtown Portland Anytime Soon

Portland State Vanguard

Diverse voices join resurgence in Portland protests

Portland Tribune

Wheeler, Hardesty request meeting with feds

Lewis & Clark history department chair shot at protest

Street Roots

Feds sprayed chemicals into the eyes of a retired ER nurse and veteran


If We Don’t Want Armed Feds Occupying Our Cities, We Must Hit the Streets

The Washington Post

More federal agents dispatched to Portland as protests rise in other cities

Protests resurge across U.S. as clashes continue in Portland

Wall of Moms, Black Lives Matter protesters sue Trump administration for use of tear gas, force in Portland

Willamette Week

Groups and Individuals Active in Nightly Portland Protests File New Lawsuit Against Federal Agencies

Portland Police Association Warns City Council New Police Oversight Proposal Is Illegal


Agencies Present

  • U.S. Marshals
  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Services


  • tear gas
  • pepper balls
  • impact munitions (rubber bullets)
  • flash bangs
  • lasers


State: 1 juvenile

Federal: 2


State: Criminal mischief, Disorderly conduct

Federal: Assault of a federal officer, Failure to comply with lawful order

An Open Letter to Those Outside Portland

July 23, 2020

Hello friends and family,

You may be wondering if things in Portland are as bad as you have heard on the news. Well, yes and no. If you aren’t downtown, things are business as usual for the pandemic, with a little added tension and some weird planes and helicopters going overhead. (More on that later.)

If you are downtown at night, it is worse than you think. Protests for Black lives and against police brutality have been taking place in front of the county courthouse (and federal courthouse next door) for over 50 days. On July 3, Trump sent the feds (Department of Homeland Security) to Portland in order to “quell” the protests.

It’s not just young punks that are out protesting. There’s the Wall of Moms, who link arms and sing lullabies, and Dad Pod, who bring leaf blowers to deflect tear gas. Local elected officials are joining in.

The feds are extremely violent. They beat a Navy veteran who did nothing worse than stand too close to them and ask them why they were breaking their oath to the United States. One of the moms says she was sexually assaulted during arrest. Two protesters (that we know of) have received significant head injuries, at least one of which appears to be from the feds deliberate targeting his head. The feds have also been destroying street medics first aid supplies including hand sanitizer and PPE, which is just great during a pandemic.

There have been unusual planes flying overhead. For many days they stuck over the protests, but last night they began circling Portland widely. I saw them go past my house over and over. At least one of them is believed to be using Stingray technology. Stingrays mimic cell phone towers and suck up identifying information about you and those around you. I’m worried that they might be surveilling the entire city regardless of who is doing what.

There are mysterious unmarked cars grabbing people at night. A group of DHS officers in camouflage snatched a person, pulled his beanie over his head, and took him to a federal building. I have seen the “murder vans,” as we’re calling them. They don’t even have license plates.

Last night our mayor got tear gassed by the feds. A lot of us don’t like the mayor, myself included, but I’m glad he’s finally getting a taste of his own medicine. The Portland Police Bureau has been using tear gas on protesters for years and the mayor is police commissioner. Tear gas was recently banned in Oregon, unless it’s a riot, but the police call any kind of property damage a riot (including an officer slapping a phone out of a protestor’s hand so hard that it broke their own window). 

Additionally, the Portland Police Association (the local police union) seems to be going rogue. The mayor was never asked to meet with DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, and PPB never officially met with him, but the PPA certainly did and welcomed him! Our city council has barred the PPB from working with the feds, but we suspect they still are. One of my friends was pushed to the ground for filming Portland Police in his neighborhood. They told him that he’d better not be collecting intelligence for “insurgents.” This isn’t a war and protesters aren’t enemy combatants.

The feds will soon be heading to other cities including ChicagoDetroit, New York, Baltimore, Oakland, Philadelphia, and (strangely) Albuquerque.  I want everyone to know what to expect. I love you all and will keep myself safe.


Lauren Hudgins

Protests for July 26


During the day, the Push for Peace rally was held and occurred without incident. A couple hundred protestors “marched” on wheels (including bicycles, skateboards, and roller skates) from Laurelhurst Park to Burnside Skate Park, where they listened to black teen community leaders speak about police brutality and call for police abolition.

In the evening, at its height about 1000 protestors were gathered downtown in front of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the Justice Center. This event saw attendance from the Wall of Moms, the Dad Pod, and the Wall of Vets, who have all been regular attendees of the nightly demonstrations downtown recently.

Just after midnight, the crowd saw their first round of tear gas from federal officers, which continued for hours throughout the night. At 12:15 AM, Federal Protective Services declared the gathering an unlawful assembly and the use of tear gas continued without warning before each new wave against the crowd. Federal officers were also seen using high powered lasers from a higher vantage point somewhere on the courthouse to mark protestors that were throwing tear gas canisters back over the fence surrounding the courthouse.

The Witches, a group that has been providing mutual aid to protestors and running a medical supply tent in one of the parks across from the federal courthouse and Justice Center, were forced out of the area by the high volumes of tear gas deployed by federal officers. According to other witnesses in the area and one of the volunteers working with The Witches, the medical supplies in the tent were intentionally destroyed after their departure. This action was said to have been done by federal officers.

There were also reports of a shooting that occurred around 7:30 PM at Lownsdale Park before the demonstration began for the night. Two individuals were arrested in connection with the incident, both of whom have since been released from police custody. It is unclear if this event had anything to do with the ongoing protests in the area.

Scheduled Events


A march on wheels was held midday starting at 1 PM at Laurelhurst Park.

In the evening, the demonstration downtown in front of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and Justice Center occurred as it has nearly every night for the last two months.

Just after midnight the Federal Protective Services announced over their loudspeaker that protestors had to disperse or risk use of force.

At about 12:15 AM, the Federal Protective Services declared the gathering an unlawful assembly.

At about 1:15 AM, federal officers exited the courthouse and the surrounding fenced area to stand in front of the fence facing protestors.

[Content Warning (below): intense/frightening scene of police violence] In the clip, two arrests were made by federal officers.

Note: It is difficult to distinguish between some federal officers and Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers because they both wear dark uniforms. There had been no indication that PPB officers were on the scene.

From here there was no more coverage of the demonstration, as journalists likely went home in the early morning hours.

The Witches (who have been running a medical aid tent every night in one of the parks in the area of the protests) had their supplies destroyed, allegedly by federal officers.




AP News

On Portland’s streets: Anger, fear, and a fence that divides

CBS News

Portland protests again culminate in use of tear gas by federal agents


Why Portland? The city’s history of protest takes an exceptional turn

The Guardian

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

Clashes in Portland as Trump’s actions light fuse under protests in other cities

‘These are his people’: inside the elite border patrol unit Trump sent to Portland


Portland protests continue for 60th night


PPB: 2 arrested, released after 1 shot near Lownsdale Square

Los Angeles Times

Column: They’re fed up with the ‘tyranny’ of face masks. But Portland? That’s about ‘law and order’

Protests reignite across U.S. as standoffs in Portland continue between protesters and federal agents

The New York Times

Cities in Bind as Turmoil Spreads Far Beyond Portland

Who Gets to Be a ‘Naked Athena’?


Tear Gas Fired On Protesters Again During Overnight Protests In Portland


More federal officers deploying to Portland as protests gain momentum

The Oregonian

Inside the Portland protest zone: ‘I don’t think there’s an end in sight’

Police say 2 arrested, 1 injured in gunfire near downtown Portland protest site

Willamette Week

Portland’s “Naked Athena” Speaks for the First Time to a Local Podcast

Portland Settles With Downtown Resident Whose Apartment Filled With Tear Gas


Agencies Present

  • U.S. Marshals
  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Services


  • tear gas
  • pepper balls
  • lasers
  • flash bangs
  • rubber bullets




Assault of a federal officer, violating a no-fly zone with a drone

Protests for July 25


Saturday afternoon was filled with activities and neighborhood marches. A Chalk Bloc event took place downtown, in recognition of an activist who was recently arrested by the feds for drawing a chalk line on a street. Another group worked on building shields to keep protesters safe from impact munitions and grenades. In the evening, over a thousand people gathered at Alberta Park to march downtown. Thousands more congregated outside the Justice Center and Federal Courthouse.

Continuing as with earlier protests this week, protesters gathered as groups like Wall of Moms and Vet Bloc, to create human barriers between the feds and other protesters. A little before 11 PM the feds used tear gas on the crowd. The reason for this is unclear because no warning was given. In addition to the tear gas and pepper balls that are common, the feds also sprayed mace and streams of pepper spray directly at protesters’ faces on the other side of the fence. At 11:20 PM the feds announced the protest was an “unlawful assembly” and began throwing flashbang grenades and canisters of tear gas into the crowd.

Protesters pulled back and regrouped, and the feds retreated back into the courthouse, possibly because someone had thrown paint-filled balloons at them. People began cutting into the fence supports with an angle grinder and were shot at with more munitions. Protesters then attached ropes to the section of fence they were working on and began pulling on it. They succeeded in knocking over a section that was several panels long. At this point the feds threw even more tear gas into the crowd, shooting canisters well up the street into groups that were nowhere near the fence or involved with damaging it.

Around 1:20 AM the Portland Police declared the protest to be a riot and announced that most of downtown was closed. Groups of PPB and feds moved on to the street, pushing protesters away from SW 3rd Ave, with the feds often clearing a street for PPB to drive riot vans through. The PPB then declared a larger area of downtown closed, all the way to I-405 and pushed hundreds of protesters to west of the highway overpass. Other large groups of protesters remained in the area around the Federal Courthouse, singing and heckling the feds. Tear gas was used one or two more times, and smaller groups of protesters remained on the street until daylight.

Several journalists again reported they were injured by impact munitions shot directly at them.

Scheduled Events


Some cool activities happening at this afternoon’s skill share!

There’s also a group building shields in Clinton Park:

Chalk art happening downtown:

There are neighborhood marches going on all over town (this is SE Foster and 72nd Ave):

It’s a really nice day to hang out in a park before a march. Here’s Alberta Park in NE Portland:

This is a very big group!

Other people have gathered at the Portland Police Association building, also in NE:

We’re splitting out the remaining action into geographic sections, scroll down to see the Justice Center updates.

March from Alberta Park

The cops at the North Precinct look like they’re ready to cause trouble:

The Geneva Convention statement on tear gas has been copied onto a banner:

Hockey sticks and banners up front:

The march is now crossing the Steel Bridge into downtown:

After this point (about 11:15 PM) the protest groups are all downtown and our timeline will be combined.

Downtown/Justice Center

Looks like we’ll also have a drumline tonight:

Some pre-emptive measures on the fence:

Part of the downtown protest split off to march to the Marriot Hotel – we haven’t seen any confirmation of this rumor that they’re housing the feds yet:

An inaudible warning from the feds:

The feds might be a little twitchy tonight.

The feds are using tear gas for no apparent reason:

Also streams of pepper spray. Not cool!

Around 11:20 PM the feds declare an “unlawful assembly”. The combination of tear gas and flashbangs is clearing people away from the fence:

More indications that there was very little ramp-up:

It sounds like someone brought paint balloons:

War crimes continue.

Despite the tear gas, protesters still fill the streets:

The feds have gone inside and the crowd that started calm is now much less so:

A better look at the paint residue:

Nice projections tonight:

Some people are trying to cut through the fence again tonight and there’s also fireworks. Meanwhile, the feds have munitions and an endless supply of tear gas.

Stepping back a bit:

The feds reinforced their fence with some braces to try to prevent last night’s wobbliness, so tonight’s rattling is so far less dramatic:

An attempt is being made to pull down the section that was cut:

The LRAD broadcast a warning to stop messing with the fence:

More gas, why not?

This will probably lead to more tear gas, but so does everything else.

Making progress with the fence removal!

The feds respond by doing… more tear gas! This time they’re shooting it half a block up the street.

At just before 1:20 AM, the Portland Police are declaring a riot and again “closing” a large section of downtown.

Feds? PPB? on the move:

Oh there’s the Portland Police:

The police extended the closed area all the way to I-405. Last time this happened, protesters had to arrange carpools because so many were stranded with no way to get back to their cars or across the river.

Here’s a group on the far side of 405:

Here’s a whole lot of feds standing in the intersection next to the courthouse:

This closure now cuts off access to up to three bridges, and really any way out of downtown unless you’re headed to the West Hills or Pearl District – assuming it can be enforced.

The feds appear to be raiding Riot Ribs:

At 3 AM, despite the announcement that downtown was closed, large groups of people remained in the areas outside the Federal Courthouse.

A look at the remains of the fence:

At 4 AM, another round of tear gas:

Around 5:30 AM the feds withdrew from the street back to the courthouse:





Protestors In Portland Tip Federal Courthouse Fence Saturday; Riot Declared By Police

The Guardian

Portland: protesters bring down fence as confrontation with Trump agents rises

The Intercept

Before Portland, Trump’s Shock Troops Went After Border Activists

Los Angeles Times

Portland protesters showered by tear gas again — and with solidarity from across the U.S.

The New York Times

The New Yorker

Homeland Security Was Destined to Become a Secret Police Force


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Riot Ribs to Transfer Leadership to Don’t Shoot PDX


Portland protesters continue clashes with armed federal agents

Street Roots

Pain, arrests and trauma: 4 injured protesters share their stories

Washington Post

Willamette Week


Agencies present

  • Feds: DHS (BORTAC and SRT), US Marshals, Federal Protective Service
  • Portland Police Bureau

Munitions used

  • Smoke
  • Pepper balls
  • Tear gas
  • Pepper spray

Number of arrests


  • Resist Arrest
  • Attempt Assault of Public Safety Officer
  • Escape III
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer
  • Disorderly Conduct II 
  • Assault IV
  • Attempt Escape III 
  • Federal: assaulting federal officers
  • Federal: operating a drone in restricted airspace

Protests for July 24


On Friday night, a wide range of groups gathered downtown to protest, including teachers, lawyers, chefs, Asians for Black Lives Matter, and a skilled drumline. City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty spoke about the importance of the movement, saying “we have the right to seek redress from our government” and “we are setting the standard for the rest of the country”. She continued, “if we fail, democracy is doomed.”

The thousands of people who gathered spilled over into nearby streets, unable to completely fit on 3rd Avenue in front of the Justice Center and Federal Courthouse, and the adjacent parks. A small group in front of the courthouse fence pushed it back and forth, causing it to sway. At about 11 PM, the federal officers deployed tear gas into the crowd, which was still too large to readily disperse. Protesters successfully diverted the gas back into the federal courtyard, using leaf blowers.

Around 11:30 PM a group was spotted using an angle grinder on the fence, while protesters with shields and umbrellas screened them from being viewed from the other side of the fence. This didn’t result in taking the fence down, but a small hole was later spotted by reporters. After another round of tear gas, the feds were seen using their own leaf blowers to try to move the gas back toward protesters.

A little before 1 AM the feds announced the gathering was an “unlawful assembly” from their LRAD speakers. It’s unclear what legal or practical impact this declaration has. Hundreds of people remained chanting, dancing, blowing bubbles, drumming, and eating hot dogs grilled by Riot Ribs. The feds continued to deploy large amounts of tear gas and other munitions from behind their fence. Sometime after 2 AM a fire was started in the intersection of SW 3rd and Salmon, and around 2:30 AM the feds emerged and rushed up the street, toward SW 4th and Taylor (two blocks away). A stabbing reportedly occurred at around the same time, and the feds arrested a suspect. At 2:39 AM the Portland Police declared an unlawful assembly and announced that a large section of downtown was closed. They arrived on the scene where the feds were making this alleged stabbing-related arrest, and appeared to do a hand-over of command. After the feds retreated to the courthouse, using yet more tear gas, and the remaining protesters dissipated.

Scheduled Events


A noon rally brought attorneys out in support of protesters:

The Raging Grannies are also out for an early shift:

Today Lindsey is giving everyone an in-depth look at Riot Ribs, which has become a wildly successful mutual aid operation in just a few weeks.

An early visit from the cops and feds rattled people:

The dishwashing situation reminds me of summer camp and/or Occupy Portland:

One of the several affinity groups coming out tonight is starting to gather:

One of many things available in the park now is a book table, free for BIPOC and donation-based for everyone else:

More groups are gathering at Salmon Street Springs and will march to the Justice Center (a few blocks to the west):

It seems there’s some of everyone out there tonight, and not always in a good way:

Lawyers for Black Lives are marching from Pioneer Square south to the Justice Center:

Another big turnout tonight! Even a car parade:

So many groups!

There’s a mic set up at the Justice Center again tonight and Jo Ann Hardesty (our city commissioner) is speaking:

Wall of Moms is going strong, and today they announced they’re transitioning leadership over to a group of women of color including activists from Don’t Shoot PDX.

There are so many people downtown they’re unable to all fit in the parks and streets outside the Justice Center:

The ongoing use of munitions is absolutely having an impact on the landscape, including this relatively new fence around the Federal Courthouse:

One of flyers going around announced that there would be a dodgeball game tonight, so that might be what these beach balls are about:

They’ve welded the fence together and added concrete Jersey barrier blocks to weigh it down, but we’ll see how long that lasts.

Goodbye fence!

And now for the tear gas:

Safety first! ?

The feds are out:

The feds withdrew and the leaf blowers are working hard:

It appears we’re serious about making sure this fence comes down:

And the feds are back out, trying to ID people:

The crowds are smaller, but not small, you know?

Feds have a peep-hole:

The air is temporarily clear enough to get a look at who’s on the other side of the fence:

People have been intermittently lighting fireworks, and some of it’s quite pretty!

It’s unclear what the feds declaring an “unlawful assembly” means, when the Portland Police do it (before tear gas was further restricted to riots only) it was a precursor to use of force, but the feds have been tear-gassing people since 11 PM.

Energy is still high!

More tear gas:

Checking in on Riot Ribs in the park across the street from all these munitions:

Tear gas forever ~~~

Silly string does get kinda gross:

The feds tried even more tear gas and have cleared most people back a block or two now:

Confirming that this really is a ton of tear gas being used tonight:

The Riot Ribs crew keeps going, but their gas masks are 100% essential:

Behind this front line, people are gathered a block or two to the west getting eye washes and treating wounds.

Meanwhile, a trash fire:

The feds are shooting at people because…?

Then the feds emerged and charged up SW 4th, heading north:

After arriving in the area outside the 7-Eleven, the feds arrested someone who reportedly stabbed someone else:

At about the same time, the Portland Police declared their own unlawful assembly and “closed” most of downtown:

The fire in the street outside the courthouse continues to burn:

The feds hold a line at an intersection two blocks from the courthouse:

The Portland Police are staged a few blocks over, to the south and west:

Portland Police arrive on scene with the feds:

Feds continuing to be present:

The feds retreat:

One of the multiple incidents tonight that continue to show press is being targeted (@MacSmiff also took a hit to the head, which thankfully was protected by his helmet):

Things wind down for the night:




The Appeal

The Feds Have a Long History of Snatching People Up. Only Now They Are Targeting Middle-Class White People.

Associated Press

Judge denies Oregon push to limit US agents during arrests

Courthouse News

Feds Use Tear Gas on Thousands of Portland Protesters


Former Officials Say The Elite Border Patrol Unit Sent To Confront Portland Protesters Is Like A “Fish Out Of Water”


More Than 6000 Demonstrators Gather In Downtown Portland Friday

Columbia Journalism Review

The attacks on press freedom in Portland

The Guardian

The Intercept

In Portland, Questions Swirl Around Local Police’s Coordination With Federal Officers

Los Angeles Times

Federal agents use tear gas again, wade into street to try to disperse Portland protests


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury


U.S. charges 18 Portland protesters as it sends tactical police to Seattle


Trump’s Private Army Is Scarier Than You Think

Washington Post

Operation Diligent Valor: Trump showcased federal power in Portland, making a culture war campaign pitch

Willamette Week


Agencies present

  • Federal: DHS, US Marshals, etc.
  • Portland Police Bureau

Munitions used

  • Pepper balls
  • Flashbang grenades
  • Tear gas (CS)

Number of arrests

PPB: one


Protests for July 23


On the night of July 23rd, thousands of people once again filled the street and parks in front of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the Justice Center downtown. Early in the night, a small group (around 5 individuals) of counter-protestors stood against the fence surrounding the federal courthouse, proclaiming “Protect the fence and protect the city”, drawing criticism from protestors. Multiple fires were set in the portico between the front of the courthouse and the fence by protestors throwing trash over the fence.

Starting at 12:30 AM, federal officers deployed copious amounts of tear gas against protestors, an action that continued for several hours. This began while federal officers still remained inside the courthouse and shot munitions out the open front doors. They rushed out a couple times to detain protestors that had breached the fence and gotten into the portico, and eventually made their way onto the street. In the street in front of the federal courthouse, federal officers continued to gas and detain protestors, all while pushing protestors west directly away from the courthouse area.

After federal officers went back into the courthouse around 3 AM, calm returned to the area and the night ended without further incident.

Scheduled Events


Around 11:05 PM, the doors of the federal courthouse, where the bulk of protestors were stood, opened. No federal agents exited the building.

A small group of people was seen towards the front line of the demonstration promoting protecting the fence, much to the ire of the surrounding protestors.

Just before 12:30 AM, federal officers deployed tear gas and pepper balls against protestors.

Federal officers exited the courthouse for the first time of the night around 12:50 AM.

Around 1:10 AM, federal officers rushed out of the courthouse and made at least one arrest.

Around 1:15 AM, federal officers declared the gather an unlawful assembly.

Around 1:30 AM, federal officers came out from the fenced enclosure around the federal courthouse to disperse protestors with tear gas.

Federal officers once again filled the streets and parks with tear gas while dispersing protestors to the west of the federal courthouse.

Not sure what to say about this one:

As federal officers made their way back to the courthouse, protestors crept forward the same direction, led by a wall of shields.




Associated Press

Black activists: Portland’s focus on feds only aids message

The Atlantic

Trump Is Putting On a Show in Portland

CBS News

Judge orders federal agents to keep hands off journalists at Portland protests

The Guardian

The Intercept

An Air Force Special Operations Surveillance Plane is Lurking Near Portland During Federal Crackdown


Federal officers use tear gas after fires set near courthouse in downtown Portland


Los Angeles Times


Mother Jones

States Are Begging for Coronavirus Relief. Trump Sent Federal Police Instead.

The Nation

The Federal Response to Protests Extends Far Beyond Portland

NBC News

Portland protesters on being detained, chased by federal agents as situation intensifies

The New Yorker

Trump’s Fake Solution to the Fake Crisis in Portland

The New York Times

Feds Sending Tactical Team to Seattle, Expanding Presence Beyond Portland


Order Temporarily Blocks Feds From Targeting Press And Legal Observers In Portland


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

City Council Votes to End Portland Police Cooperation With Federal Officers

Portland Monthly


The Washington Post

Willamette Week


Agencies Present

  • U.S. Marshals
  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protection Services


  • tear gas
  • flash bangs
  • pepper balls


Feds: six


  • assaulting federal officers
  • failing to obey lawful orders