Protests for August 30


Protesters began the nightly demonstration at Laurelhurst Park in Southeast Portland. Journalists on the ground estimated the crowd to number around 100 – 150 people. From the park, the group marched to the nearby Multnomah County Sheriff’s Penumbra Kelly Building. Almost immediately upon arriving, law enforcement officers were already making announcements telling protesters to stay off the building property and to refrain from committing crimes. While most protesters had their attention on the Penumbra Kelly Building, down the block Portland Police officers blocked civilians and bicyclists alike from passing through the area east of the protests. Behind the line of officers, cars parked on the street were being towed away.

At 10:40 pm, about an hour after protesters arrived, police loudspeakers declared the gathering an unlawful assembly. Up to that point the crowd had been engaging in chanting and some eggs had been thrown onto the building driveway. Soon after, officers from the Portland Police Bureau and Oregon State Troopers emerged from the Penumbra Kelly Building and began making mass arrests. Officers were captured on video using excessive force on protesters who were already incapacitated during arrest. They were also captured multiple times on multiple videos pointing out protesters standing on the sidewalk, saying that they were not marked as press, and then arresting them where they stood. This action was repeated multiple times throughout the night until the crowd had significantly thinned out by 1:30 am and the night ended.

Scheduled Events


Protesters gathered at Laurelhurst Park in Southeast Portland for the nightly demonstration.

Just before 9:30 pm, protesters departed from Laurelhurst Park.

Just after 9:40 pm, protesters arrived at the Penumbra Kelly Building (which houses the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office) and were immediately met with announcements by law enforcement coming over the loudspeakers.

At about 10:40 pm, law enforcement officers declared the gathering an unlawful assembly.

At about 10:50 pm, Portland Police suddenly rushed at protesters and began making mass arrests.

Just before 10:15 pm, officers reentered the Penumbra Kelly Building.

Law enforcement loudspeakers (LRAD) suddenly returned and made an announcement to protesters.

Just after 11:55 pm, officers returned and once again began making arrests.

At about 12:05 am, officers departed from the area.

Portland Police officers threatened a protester with arrest if they kept playing music over their speaker. For context of what Griffin is referring to below, speakers were forcefully taken by Portland Police without justification at a protest in the past.

A few more arrests were made before the end of the night.




ABC News

After Trump calls him ‘a fool,’ Portland mayor says support us or stay out of the way

BBC News

Portland protests: Trump and Biden clash over street violence

CBS News

Portland mayor says deadly shooting could be a “flashpoint”


1 person is dead after a shooting during protests in downtown Portland


Demonstrations planned for Sunday night as nightly protests in Portland enter 14th week

No arrests yet in downtown Portland shooting; mayor tells people seeking retribution to stay home

Oregon governor announces plan to bring violence to an end, protect free speech in Portland

Portland group on mission to save Black neighborhoods


Governor Brown releases ‘Unified Law Enforcement Plan’

Investigators want answers in deadly protest shooting; Trump sounds off

Man who recorded shooting video: ‘Couldn’t see who shot’

Patriot Prayer founder: Shooting victim was a supporter

Reporter recalls interaction with victim hours before shooting

Wheeler denounces deadly shooting, violence; mayor, Trump trade blame

NBC News

Trump praises right-wing supporters, rails against protesters after unrest in Portland


Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blames President Trump for downtown violence

Portland protests return 1 night after fatal downtown shooting

The Oregonian

Hundreds of protesters have been charged with interfering with a peace officer. But should it remain a crime?

Man under investigation in fatal shooting after pro-Trump rally allegedly took loaded gun to earlier Portland protest

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to send state troopers to help police protests after fatal shooting

Photos show frantic but futile attempts to save victim of shooting near Portland protests [WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES]

Portland Mayor to President Donald Trump: ‘support us’ or ‘stay the hell out of the way’

Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell, President Donald Trump and Gov. Kate Brown react to killing of man near downtown protests

Progressive community leaders call for Portland mayor, police chief to resign following deadly shooting

Watch: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and police chief talk about shooting near protests

Portland Mercury

Wheeler Condemns Protest Shooting, Offers Little Solutions to Continuous Violence

Willamette Week

Gov. Kate Brown Announces Plan to Increase Law Enforcement Presence in Portland

Portland Mayor Blames President Trump for Fatal Shooting Amid Protests


Agencies Present

  • Multnomah County Sheriffs
  • Portland Police Bureau
  • Oregon State Police


  • pepper balls
  • smoke grenades




Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Assaulting a Public Safety Officer, Escape in the Third Degree, Resisting Arrest, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree 

Protests for August 29


On Saturday, Trump supporters gathered at Clackamas Town Center, just SE of Portland, for a mass “car cruise” rally. The north section of the parking lot filled with trucks waving a variety of flags indicating their support for Trump, the police, the Proud Boys, and militia movements. A small group of Black Lives Matter counter-demonstrators were also there with their own signs. At about 5 PM the rally began to leave to drive into downtown, a process which took a significant amount of time due to the number of vehicles involved. As they exited, Clackamas County Sheriffs officers guided traffic.

The caravan made its way across the Morrison Bridge and into downtown, where they drove in circles as more trucks entered from across the river. Counter-protesters attempted to block the vehicles entering the bridge, and two people fought, then riot police stepped in to arrest them and clear traffic for the Trump supporters. Similar confrontations were happening in downtown, including incidents where a person drove into BLM protesters who were blocking their way, spraying mace, physical assaults, and shooting paintball rounds and rubber pellets at BLM supporters and press. Police continued to help the pro-Trump group by keeping counter-protesters away from vehicles, and ignore violence toward counter-protesters, even when these incidents were pointed out.

Much of the Trump caravan left downtown after their circuit, and by 8:30 PM large groups of Black Lives Matter protesters were gathering at the Justice Center. Just before 9 PM, there was a shooting nearby at SW 3rd and Alder, and the victim died at the scene. Details are still coming in and we will link to related articles below. Smaller groups of protesters remained outside the Justice Center after midnight, with many leaving due to safety concerns.

Also on Saturday evening, a small Black Lives Matter protest marched to the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office in Troutdale, just NE of Portland. A couple of Boogaloo Bois were seen nearby, but no other counter-protesters. After speeches and chants, the protest concluded uneventfully.

Scheduled Events


Today’s timeline will be split up into sections, because there’s a large pro-Trump car rally this afternoon where counter-protesters are likely, in addition to other events.

Trump/Back the Blue Rally

This event is staging at Clackamas Town Center, where a mass shooting took place in 2012.

This rally is big enough that some participants are arriving downtown while others are still leaving the start point.

People are still making their way downtown.

Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer has been spotted. This group is well-known for organizing white supremacist rallies in Portland, which Jeremy Christian was seen attending before he stabbed three people on a MAX train (killing two) in 2017.

CW for verbal threat (sexual violence)

As many of the drivers leave downtown, BLM protesters are gathering at the Justice Center:

Someone has been shot:

Confirmation that the person shot has died:

Back at the Justice Center:

Additional details about the shooting:

This rumor is so far unconfirmed but many protesters appear to be dispersing.

A firework was thrown, no injuries are reported:


Black Lives Matter protesters are gathering near the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office in Troutdale, which is an eastern suburb of Portland.

Protesters discuss whether to march with the police escort the organizer has arranged. They vote to march alone.

A small Boogaloo group is spotted:

The protest appears to have ended after these speeches.




CW for graphic images in the articles about the shooting death

Associated Press

1 killed as Trump supporters, protesters clash in Portland

Daily Beast

One Shot Dead as Hundreds of Trump Supporters Descend on Portland

The New York Times

Deadly Shooting in Portland After Pro-Trump Ralliers Clash With Protesters


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

One Dead After Shooting During Pro-Trump Rally in Portland

Portland Tribune

Man killed at Portland protest linked to Trump cruise-in


One shot dead in Portland as rival protesters clash

Willamette Week

One Person Shot to Death Amid Trump Caravan in Downtown Portland


Agencies present

  • Portland Police Bureau
  • Multnomah County Sheriffs Officers
  • Clackamas County Sheriffs Officers

Munitions used


Number of arrests



We’re unable to confirm which part of the protest the people arrested are aligned with.

  • Disorderly Conduct II
  • Criminal Mischief II 
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer 
  • Reckless Burning 
  • Unlawful Possession of Firearm 

Protests for August 28


On Friday, protesters gathered for a march to commemorate the 1963 March on Washington. The event was co-headed by the local NAACP chapter and Fridays 4 Freedom, a youth activist group. The march processed from the Oregon Convention Center to Revolution Hall, where many protests gathered in June, and concluded with speeches. The NAACP reflects an older and more conservative Black establishment, while F4F is made up of more radical youth, and this led to concerns and criticism about whether Fridays 4 Freedom was being supported or co-opted.

In the late afternoon, another protest gathered at the North Park Blocks downtown before marching into the Pearl District, where Mayor/Police Commissioner Ted Wheeler lives. Activists entered his condo building and began a sit-in, presenting a list of demands, followed by the marchers who set up a sound system for music and spoken performances. Neither Wheeler nor the police arrived to respond, and the activists ended their sit-in around 10:15 PM. The music ended a short while later, and many protesters then continued to North Portland for a vigil at Peninsula Park.

Shortly before midnight, the group at the vigil formed a march to the Portland Police Association. Protesters quickly painted graffiti on the blank surface of the PPA building, and created street barricades with dumpsters. A small fire was started at the boarded-up door of the building, and police arrived and declared it a riot at about 12:40 AM. Police put out the fire quickly, then made seemingly random targeted arrests of the crowd, repeatedly saying they would arrest anyone who hadn’t dispersed unless they were clearly marked as press. PPB concluded this action at about 1:45 AM, then returned 15 minutes later after several shots were fired by someone in a passing vehicle. No one was injured in this shooting. Both police and protesters had concluded their activities for the night by 3 AM.

Scheduled Events


This afternoon, people are gathering outside the Convention Center for a March on Portland, which commemorates the anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington.

Meanwhile, Portland is being well represented by Destiny and other activists who have traveled to DC:

Back to Portland:

Moving to the Bloc Party event, protesters are marching through the Pearl District chanting “abolish the police!”

Nearby, a group of protesters has gone to Mayor/Police Commissioner Ted Wheeler’s home with some demands:

The Bloc Party march has arrived outside:

Someone brought a bouquet of used munitions:

The other vigil across town is kicking off, so follow that below under the header “North Portland”.

The music is wrapping up, and reports are that people are leaving to go to the Peninsula Park event now.

North Portland

Tonight’s vigil at Peninsula Park:

Shots fired north of the event seem to be unrelated:

12:39 AM – riot declared

CW: assault with pepper spray

We’re seeing them repeatedly target anyone who isn’t marked as press for arrests during these dispersals, and physically shoving reporters they think are too close:

Shots fired at about 2 AM, after police had left the scene:




The Guardian

Portland suffers serious street violence as far right return ‘prepared to fight’


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury


Agencies present

  • Portland Police Bureau

Munitions used

  • Pepper spray

Number of arrests

18 adults, one juvenile


  • Riot
  • Resist Arrest
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer 
  • Attempt Assaulting a Public Safety Officer
  • Disorderly Conduct II 
  • Escape III

Protests for August 27


During the day community members met at Kenton Park in North Portland to clean up the park and the bordering neighborhood. Kenton Park and the surrounding area leading to The Portland Police Association nearby has been the site of many protests in the last few months. As a result, community-made flyers indicating that there has been high levels of tear gas exposure in the area have been posted around the neighborhood. Another unfortunate result is the litter that sometimes got left behind by the large crowds. In response, community members got together for a couple of hours and were provided tools and trash bags to pick up litter in the area.

In the evening, a march by PDX Black Youth Movement led protesters in downtown Portland. This event drew around 100 people, who marched around the downtown area chanting the names of victims of police violence, including Jacob Blake, and asking those watching from their windows above the streets to join them. There were also speeches along the route by young black activists leading the march. By about 9:45 pm, the group of protesters returned to Duniway Park, where they had begun their march, and the event ended.

Following the end of the march downtown, there was some confusion about whether or not there was another demonstration planned for the night. There was some talk on social media of protesters reconvening at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building, but a protest in that area didn’t appear to materialize. An event hadn’t been planned, which left the night’s protests to end by 10 pm.

Scheduled Events


In the middle of the day, community members assembled at Kenton Park near The Portland Police Association building to clean up the park and neighborhood.

In the early evening protesters gathered at Duniway Park in Southwest Portland for a march.

While there was talk on social media of protesters reconvening at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building, it didn’t appear to draw enough numbers to move forward.




Courthouse News Service

Feds in Portland Now Unrestrained in Removing Journalists at Protests

The Guardian

White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says

Jefferson Public Radio

Portland Protests Reach Three Months. OPB’s Sergio Olmos Explains


74 face federal charges from Portland protests


Police Declare Portland Protests A Riot But This Definition Could Be Rooted In Racism


Appeals court suspends protections for journalists, legal observers covering protests

As the nation reckons with race, a new poll finds white Americans least engaged

Pence aide: NBA protest over Kenosha are ‘absurd and silly’

The Oregonian

Black National Convention puts spotlight on police brutality

Federal orders to disperse apply to journalists, legal observers at Portland protests, appeals court says

Portland Business Alliance says mayor pledged quick action to revive downtown

Portland police ramp up protest enforcement; 217 arrests in August, half of those since last week

Portland Mercury

Good Afternoon, News: Proud Boy Suspiciously Escapes Arrest, Mayor Appeases the Wealthy, and Trump Headlines GOP Garbage Parade

Portland Police Say They’re Needed to Prevent Gun Violence. Experts Disagree.

Portland Tribune

Portland police overtime up 200% in June as staffing slumps

Willamette Week

In Purge of Extremists, Facebook Removes Page of Portland Protest Organizers

Last Month, Oregon Prisons Implored Guards to Wear Masks. Since Then, Four Inmates Have Died From COVID-19.

Mayor Ted Wheeler Wants an End to Violence at Protests and Pledges to Restart the City’s Economy

U.S. Attorney’s Office Levies Federal Charges Against 74 Portland Protesters


Agencies Present








Protests for August 26


Two events took place on August 26th – one in Gresham, Portland’s neighbor to the east, and one in Southwest Portland. Gresham City Hall had recently put a Black Lives Matter up in front of the building, which prompted a reaction from far right protesters to travel to the city and hold a “flag waving rally”. In response, Black Lives Matter counter protesters showed up to confront far right protesters, some of whom were armed with paintball guns. What followed was about two hours of protesters from either side chanting at each other and some engaging in dialogue. Compared to the dueling protests on August 22nd involving the two opposing groups, this demonstration had far fewer physical altercations.

In the evening, the nightly demonstration in Portland took place in the Southwest. Protesters met at Elizabeth Caruthers Park, where they have met every time a demonstration in front of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building was slated. Just five minutes after protesters arrived at ICE, federal officers emerged from the building to confront them. A little over half an hour after that, an unlawful assembly was declared and officers began advancing on the crowd of protesters. The rest of the night consisted of law enforcement officers, both federal and local, pushing protesters out of the area with little chance to return to the ICE building. There were multiple pushes and targeted arrests aimed at protesters throughout the night, and officers employed pepper balls, smoke grenades, and tear gas to disperse the approximately 200 individuals that had marched to ICE. By 1 am, after constant advancements by law enforcement, numbers in the ranks of protesters had dwindled, and as federal and state officers retreated the night ended without further incident.

Scheduled Events


During the day, far right protesters held a flag waving rally at Gresham City Hall in Gresham, Oregon, prompting a counter protest.

In the evening, protesters met up at Elizabeth Caruthers Park in Southwest Portland to protest in front of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building.

Just before 10:10 pm, protesters arrived at the ICE building.

Just before 10:15 pm, about 5 minutes after protesters arrived, Federal Protective Services (FPS) officers emerged from the building to push the crowd back.

At about 10:45 pm, FPS declared the gathering an unlawful assembly.

At about 10:50 pm, federal officers moved from their stationary riot line position and began pushing protesters away from the ICE building.





I Was Abducted By Federal Agents In Portland


Arrest warrant issued for ‘Tiny’ Toese upgraded, now extraditable from Wash.

Gresham City Hall rally may be met with counter-protest, police say

Mayor Wheeler addresses Portland’s ‘recovery and resilience’ amid ongoing protests


Police declare unlawful assembly at ICE building, make 11 arrests


ACLU lawsuit: DHS chief did not have authority to send agents to Portland protests

FBI denounces violence, praises free speech during unrest

Gresham mulls removing BLM flag in face of armed threats

Wheeler: ‘Enough is enough. It’s time to rise up’

Night 90: Group marches to Portland ICE building

Mother Jones

What Conservatives Really Mean When They Call for Law and Order


Fact Check: Pence Falsely Implies Joe Biden Wants To Defund The Police


ACLU of Oregon files lawsuit against officers, Trump for ‘excessive force’ used in Portland

Analysis shows Black people more likely than whites to be arrested at Portland protests

Black Millennial Movement seeks to empower young leaders

How Oregon named a county after a Confederate sympathizer

Judge issues new warrant for Proud Boy Tusitala ‘Tiny’ Toese

Man who pulled gun at Portland protest returns armed at Gresham event

Portland State University disarms campus police officers

The Oregonian

ACLU sues over federal response to Portland protests

Beloved Portland ‘Elk’ statue is safely in storage while debate continues over why it had to be relocated

Demonstrations flare in Gresham, Portland Wednesday night: Key takeaways

FBI seeks tips on Portland protest violence

Former Trail Blazers player Moe Harkless shares story of run-in with two-faced Portland-area police officer

Portland protester convicted of arson in police precinct fire gets probation, community service

Portland will do more to address protest violence, police accountability, business aid, mayor says

Peace Data

Behind the Scenes of Andy Ngo’s Attacks on the New Portland DA

Portland Mercury

Black, Very Black, and Also Very Beautiful

Good Afternoon, News: Local Protesters Sue Trump, the “Catastrophic” Hurricane Laura, and NBA Players Strike for BLM

Portland Protesters Sue Trump Administration Over Abuse by Federal Officers

The Seattle Times

FBI shifts resources to ongoing unrest in Portland, Oregon

Willamette Week

Portland Protesters Who Were Beaten, Snatched Into Unmarked Rental Vans Sue Trump, Department of Homeland Security


Agencies Present

  • Gresham Police Department
  • Multnomah County Sheriffs
  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Services
  • Portland Police Bureau


  • mace
  • pepper balls
  • smoke grenades
  • tear gas




Carrying a Concealed Weapon, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct II, Harassment, Unlawful use of Mace/Pepper Spray

Protests for August 25


Tuesday afternoon, families gathered at a Black Lives Matter rally in Sunnyside School Park in SE Portland for speeches and a neighborhood march. Later in the evening, protesters met at Shemanski Park downtown, then marched to City Hall. On arriving, police announced over the LRAD that the protest was an unlawful gathering. No police were stationed to block access to the building. Instead, some of the people present discovered that the front doors were unlocked and so they entered the building and painted graffiti and broke some windows.

About 15-20 minutes later, police arrived and pushed protesters to the south on SW 4th Avenue. Several people were tackled and arrested. The protesters then marched west and around the block to the other side of City Hall on SW 5th. More windows were broken, then the march continued again to gather at the Elk Statue location between SW 3rd and 4th on SW Main St. After stopping and chanting at this location, protesters returned to the front of City Hall on SW 4th Ave. Next, police declared a riot and pushed the crowd to the west, making more arrests. The group was split by this dispersal and a smaller number returned again to City Hall. After another announcement that there was still a riot, the protest was pushed back to the south, where people then had a small dance party. More rounds of sweeping in to arrest individuals continued, with smaller groups continuing to return to the area outside City Hall through 2 AM.

Scheduled Events


Starting off this afternoon in SE Portland at the Kid-Centered March for Black Lives:

Next up, protesters are gathering downtown at Shemanski Park (to the west of the Justice Center area and adjacent to museums, arts and performance buildings):

Immediately again tonight, it’s declared an unlawful assembly:

Police are pushing protesters away from City Hall now:

“A C A B – All cops are bastards!”

11:12 PM – riot declared

The protest was dispersed again toward the south.




Huffington Post

Portland Police Are Giving Up On Policing The Far-Right


Federal Agents Used Tactics Designed for ‘War Zones’ Against Portland Protesters, Lawsuit Alleges


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Sign Language Interpreter Gets Arrested While Making Portland Protests More Accessible

Willamette Week


Agencies present

  • Portland Police Bureau
  • Multnomah County Sheriffs Office

Munitions used

  • Smoke
  • Pepper balls
  • Impact munitions
  • Flash bangs

Number of arrests

23 adults, 2 juveniles


  • Disorderly Conduct II
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer
  • Harassment 
  • Resist Arrest
  • Escape 3 
  • Riot
  • Unlawful Directing of Light from a Laser Pointer 
  • Assaulting a Public Safety Officer 
  • Criminal Mischief II 
  • Trespass II 
  • Attempt Assault of a Public Safety Officer 
  • Burglary II 

Protests for August 24


On Monday, protesters gathered at Arbor Lodge Park for a march to the Portland Police Association building, in solidarity with the people of Kenosha, WI. Protesters hung a banner on the building, and a small fire was started next to one of the exterior walls. Shortly after arrival, the gathering was declared a riot by police and a series of dispersal and arrest actions took place. Protesters were pushed, then withdrew and regrouped outside the building. Tear gas was used by the police multiple times. Videos show police assaulting reporters with clear “Press” markings on their helmets and vests, as well as violently hitting and shoving protesters. The protest continued until after 2 AM.

Scheduled Events


Here’s a cool neighborhood event happening this afternoon:

This evening, protesters are gathering at Arbor Lodge Park for a march:

Protesters arrive at the Portland Police Association building:

10 PM – unlawful assembly declared

Immediately this seems to have been upgraded to a riot:

People are being told to disperse in the direction of the LRAD:

Tear gas (CS) is used:




Cata Gaitán

Cryptonator is watching me. It’s also watching you.


The Oregonian

Portland Architecture

The Elk statue is just fine

Portland Mercury

Wheeler Responds to Police Inaction During Saturday Brawl


So much tear gas has been sprayed on Portland protesters that officials fear it’s polluted the water

Willamette Week

Mayor Ted Wheeler Reacts to Saturday’s Violent Protests: White Nationalists Not Welcome


Agencies present

Portland Police Bureau

Munitions used

  • Tear gas
  • Impact munitions
  • Pepper spray
  • Smoke

Number of arrests

PPB: 25


  • Interfering with a Peace Officer 
  • Riot 
  • Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree 
  • Resisting Arrest 
  • Carrying a Concealed Weapon
  • Escape in the Third Degree 

Protests for August 23


During the day, an event called Latinos for Black Lives was held at Peninsula Park in North Portland. According to a journalist on the ground there were bout 150 people in attendance. The demonstration aimed to use art as a form of protest, which is a change in tactics from the usual marching or building confrontations that are seen every night in Portland. Instead, musicians and poets performed their pieces, and Latinx community members stood in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, conveying that solidarity in their art.

The nightly demonstration began at Woodlawn Park in North Portland. Estimates from reporters on the ground put the crowd at about 200 people when they departed from the park heading for the North Precinct of The Portland Police Bureau (PPB). Among other things, protesters chanted the name “Jacob Blake“, a black man in Kenosha, Wisconsin who had been shot 7 times in the back by a police officer, prompting a mass protest in Kenosha on August 23rd.

After arriving at the North Precinct, protesters formed a shield line facing three police cars that had their headlights on and pointed at protesters, which did not appear to be occupied. Protesters used multiple dumpsters, some on fire, and what appeared to be the bed of a Uhaul truck as a wall between themselves and the precinct. At 10:30 pm police had declared the gathering an unlawful assembly and by 11:10 pm, without a documented marked change in behavior from the crowd, a riot had been declared. Items such as ceramic tiles and plastic water bottles had been thrown in the vicinity of the empty police vehicles with their headlights shone on protesters and at least one awning on the building was set on fire, which did not appear to cause damage to the building itself.

Multiple times throughout the night, PPB officers suddenly rushed out of the precinct and made multiple arrests, only to reenter the building shortly after. Tear gas was used, sometimes fired down by officers who were on the roof of the precinct, but the dynamic rushes that are so often a tactic of the PPB in dispersing protesters was not seen being used as much on the night of August 23rd. By about 2 am the crowd had dwindled in front of the precinct and the night ended.

Scheduled Events


An event called Latinos for Black Lives was held at Peninsula Park in North Portland during the day. Please consider seeing Cata’s thread on the event in its entirety, where they chronicle the events of the day in much greater detail than there is room for in this timeline. (Click on the first tweet below to get directed to Twitter to see the thread)

In the evening, protesters gathered at Woodlawn Park.

Just after 9:40 pm, protesters departed from Woodlawn Park.

Just before 10:10 pm, protesters arrived at the North Precinct of The Portland Police Bureau (PPB)

At about 10:30 pm, PPB declared the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Just before 11:10 pm, PPB declared the gathering a riot.

At about 11:50 pm, officers withdrew and went back into the North Precinct building.

Just after 12:45 am, PPB officers reemerged from the precinct and made several arrests.




It’s Going Down

Hundreds Of Portlanders Push Out Violent Far-Right, Qanon & Proud Boy Rally


23 arrested Sunday as police declare protest near Portland’s North Precinct a riot


Reaction comes after Portland police have little presence at dueling protests


1 arrested after assault at ‘Recall Kate Brown’ rally


Portland’s protests: 3 months in, no end in sight

The Oregonian

Awning set on fire during Portland protest; police declare riot, use tear gas: key takeaways

Editorial: Leaders must speak against protest violence

Letter from the Editor: I look forward to many more civil conversations

Portland’s first Black woman cop now ‘ the inspiration’ for a new PCC criminal justice scholarship

Shots fired: Deadly Portland police encounters reveal troubling patterns

Portland Mercury

Good Morning, News: Proud Boys and Antifacists Brawl, Portland Police Look Other Way, and Cop Shooting Spurs Wisconsin Protests

Portland Police Stand By As Armed Alt-Right Protesters and Antifascists Brawl

The New York Times

Black Artists Find Ways to Make Their Voices Heard in Portland

In Portland, a Prosecutor Must Decide: Which Protesters Should Go to Jail?


Agencies Present

  • Portland Police Bureau


  • flash bangs
  • mace
  • tear gas




Resisting Arrest, Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree, Assaulting a Public Safety Officer, Attempted Assault in the Second Degree, Escape in the Third Degree, Riot, Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree 

Protests for August 22

Saturday was a long day of protests, starting with a counter-event to a rally that encompassed a large collection of far-right groups. Trump supporters, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and QAnon appeared to be represented. In the two hours that the right-wing groups faced off with BLM protesters, there was significant fighting, use of mace, and a loaded pistol drawn by a well-known far-right participant. Reporters on the scene described it as the most violent event they’ve witnessed to date. Portland Police remained behind the scenes, making LRAD announcements that encouraged groups to self-monitor, despite a situation that many people present described as a full riot. As the far-right protesters were leaving and BLM protesters remained in Terry Schrunk Plaza, which is a federal property, DHS officers declared it an unlawful gathering and cleared the park.

Saturday night, BLM protesters gathered at Normandale Park in NE Portland for a march to the Penumbra Kelly Building, which houses a Multnomah County Sheriffs Office and Portland Police precinct. The march was impeded by a line of riot police blocking the I-84 overpass at NE 47th Ave. The march turned back to find another route, only to see police blocking the road in the direction protesters had been told to go. The marchers then changed tactics and organized a carpool from the park to their destination.

At the Penumbra Kelly Building, protesters chanted and played music, waiting for riot police to catch up to them. A large art piece of a guillotine with a teddy bear under the blade was set up in the driveway of the building, in front of the protest line. The piece was later set on fire. Protesters threw occasional water bottles in the direction of the police, mostly staying off the property as the LRAD continued to warn against trespassing. After a protester was observed firing paintball rounds at the building, police declared it an unlawful assembly and pushed the group west into the neighborhood, where a chaotic scene ensued with several arrests and conflicting instructions on where to go. During this push, police announced that the protest was now a riot.

After police retreated, a smaller group of protesters returned to the building, setting fire to a mattress and other items in the street. The protest dispersed without further police interactions after 2 AM.

Scheduled Events



Today a BLM counter-protest is happening against a far-right “rally against Marxism” event. (“Cultural Marxism” is a racist dog-whistle.)

The LRAD is telling people to police themselves:

Several of the far-right protesters have QAnon statements, including “save our children” and this cryptic code:

Demetria Hester on the megaphone:

Someone was hit, maybe with a smoke grenade:

CW for injury/blood. They’ve been clearly going after press today:

CW for assault:

Some demonstrators remain at Schrunk Plaza:

The feds declare an unlawful assembly a little before 3 PM:

The protest appears to have wrapped up at this point.

Normandale Park march

People are starting to gather now at Normandale Park in NE Portland. Shout-out to the reporters who covered the earlier event and are out again tonight (scroll down to find out how you can support them).

The march paused briefly to decide which way to go after a report that riot cops were staged along the route.

“Take off your riot gear!”

The protesters seem to have decided to redirect to go around the continuing police efforts to block the march, so while we’re waiting on an update on that, here’s what’s happening at the presumed destination.

Some protesters have headed directly to the Penumbra Kelly building (East Multnomah County Sheriffs Office / SE Precinct):

Sounds like the march turned into a carpool, which is a clever way to go around:

This is being displayed while a popular protest song by The Coup plays:

11:40 PM – unlawful assembly declared:

The dispersal push (possibly smoke being used):

Protesters regroup:

Brent here is also known as officer #12, frequently identified at the lead of the violence coming from the riot cops:

“We’re going to keep antagonizing them until they can’t take it any more”




It’s Going Down

Hundreds of Portlanders Push Out Violent Far-Right, Qanon & Proud Boy Rally


Protesters fight using pepper spray, baseball bats in Portland on Saturday

The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Portland Police Stand By As Armed Alt-Right Protesters and Antifascists Brawl

Portland Tribune

Street brawls break out at dueling Portland protests

The Washington Post

Portland police stand by as Proud Boys and far-right militias flash guns and brawl with antifa counterprotesters

Willamette Week


Agencies present

  • Portland Police Bureau
  • Feds: DHS

Munitions used

  • Pepper balls (feds)
  • Smoke (PPB)
  • Flash bangs (PPB)
  • Pepper spray (PPB)
  • Pepper balls or other impact munitions (PPB)
  • Tear gas (possibly OC) (PPB)

Number of arrests

PPB: 14


  • Assaulting a Public Safety Officer
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer
  • Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
  • Resisting Arrest
  • Riot
  • Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree 

Protests for August 21


On Friday, protesters marched from Irving Park to the North Police Precinct. The rainy night still brought out about 200 participants. Some protesters threw eggs and paint at police cars that were parked blocking a side street on one side of the precinct. Police used smoke and impact munitions to clear protesters away from the cars multiple times, returning back behind the vehicles each time. Just after 1 AM, an unlawful assembly was declared, which was immediately upgraded to a riot. Police pushed protesters back from the precinct and into the neighborhood, making several arrests. A small number of protesters attempted to regroup, before ending the night.

Scheduled Events


A peek at tonight’s car caravan, during a break in the rain (Portland has very dry summers, so this mid-70s and raining situation is a little weird):

Tonight at Irving Park, the shield umbrellas may be needed for a more traditional use:

Ready to march!

A slight shift in the usual route?

Well this is different (the person depicted uses she/her pronouns, fyi):

Did we mention the LRAD is loud tonight?

Some protesters threw eggs and paint at the police cars earlier, and this:

More warnings:

And now smoke and impact rounds:

Given that the main objects that it seems like protesters are throwing are water bottles and paint balloons, without further evidence it’s possible the window was broken by impact munitions instead:

An unlawful assembly was declared at 1:07 AM then immediately upgraded to a riot.

Many protesters seem to have departed by this point.




Courthouse News

Black People Nearly Twice as Likely as Whites to Be Arrested at Portland Protests

Portland Mercury

Prison Inmates Are Fighting Oregon Wildfires for Under $10 a Day


The Oregonian

Willamette Week

Major Downtown Property Owner Urges City Council to Address “Lawlessness You Are Endorsing Downtown”


Agencies present

Portland Police Bureau

Munitions used

  • Impact munitions (pepper balls?)
  • Smoke
  • Flash bang grenades

Number of arrests



  • Interfering with a Peace Officer
  • Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
  • Criminal Mischief in the Third Degree 
  • Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree 
  • Assaulting a Public Safety Officer
  • Riot
  • Resisting Arrest
  • Harassment 
  • Escape
  • Attempted Assaulting a Public Safety Officer