Protests for July 13


The demonstration on July 13th deviated from other nights in that it was held in front of the Portland Police Association (PPA) building in North Portland, rather than downtown in front of the Justice Center per usual. When demonstrators reached the PPA building around 7:30 PM, they were almost immediately met with officers in riot gear. The stand-off between protestors and Portland Police lasted throughout the night.

The first incident of officers pushing protestors back and off the street occurred just before 9 PM. Many more pushes happened before the end of the action, some including using tear gas on protesters, others where officers pushed protesters back with just batons.

The demonstration in front of the Justice Center was reportedly very small, as most protestors concentrated their efforts at the PPA building. At the end of the demonstration around 3 AM, some protestors did make their way to the Justice Center.

Around 12:15 AM the Portland Police declared the gathering a riot, and pushed protestors, members of the press, and legal observers alike back away from the PPA building. There were a few arrests scattered throughout the night and evidence of the deployment of tear gas and pepper spray on protestors.

Scheduled Events

No Confidence at the PPA – 5:30 PM

Weekly Car Caravan to Protest Police Violence – 5:30 PM


At 8:30 AM, Portland Police Officers detained a 12 year old child for allegedly adding accelerant to a fire at the site of the former elk statue in Downtown Portland. The child has since been released to his mother.

Protestors at a demonstration in Kenton Park that began at 5:30 PM made their way towards The Portland Police union building, which they reached around 7:30 PM.

Downtown, the nightly demonstration in front of the Justice Center had fewer numbers than most nights.

From Riot Ribs, a group that has been feeding protestors in front of the Justice Center most nights (Note: PPA is The Portland Police Association):

Back at The Portland Police Association building:

At about 12:15 AM, The Portland Police declared a riot.

The Portland Police cited a broken window at the PPA building as their reason for declaring a riot. The window in question was broken when a PPB officer hit a protestor’s phone out of their hand and behind the line of riot officers, shown here:

There were some reports at approximately 3 AM that some protestors from in front of the PPA building were heading to Lownsdale Square in front of the Justice Center. There didn’t appear to be any journalists going with them, so this move was not well-documented.




The Columbian





The Oregonian

The Washington Post

Willamette Week


Agencies Present

  • Portland Police Bureau





  • Interfering with Police Officer
  • Disorderly Conduct II
  • Unlawful Pointing of a Laser (4 counts)