The projected winner of the 2020 election was announced by multiple news sources this morning: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be in office come January. It was a tight race to the finish line, and at its conclusion the country was split in its opinion of the election. Across the country, Biden-Harris supporters danced and partied in the streets while Trump-Pence supporters held rallies demanding that the Democrats stop stealing the vote by counting mail-in ballots (which were overwhelmingly in favor of a Biden-Harris presidency). It was no different in Oregon, which saw a busy day in Salem and in Portland.
The day began at a Stop the Steal rally at the Capitol Building in Salem, where right-wing protesters waved American and Trump flags in about equal measure. This rally saw very few leftist counter-protesters up until the very end, but the few that showed up during the day were outnumbered and were immediately assaulted and chased out by right-wing rally-goers. The angry crowd accosted and assaulted journalists who they deemed “fake press”, and also attacked a car that drove through the flag-waving rally shouting disparities about Trump through a bullhorn.
At the same time, in Portland, a black-led youth march was held, where black community members led chants and gave speeches about the future of the movement with Biden as president. Press coverage was sparse at this demonstration, as many reporters were occupied by the events in Salem, but this march happened without incident from right-wingers or police. Black youth led the march of a few hundred through the streets and some speakers asked that their white allies should be more present at black-organized events.
Back in Salem, a left-wing demonstration began at 3 pm at Pringle Park about half a mile away from the Capitol Building, where Trump supporters were still holding their rally and seemingly waiting for the arrival of leftist counter-protesters. Mere minutes into the beginning of the march from the park, Salem Police arrived and blocked the intersection in front of the protesters, declaring an unlawful assembly. It should be noted that this group of protesters had only just begun marching after listening to speakers at the park. Protesters circumvented this blockage by simply getting on the sidewalk and walking around the police line, marching onwards to the Capitol Building. The confrontation between the right and left in front of the Capitol Building was brief, as they were immediately separated by Oregon State Police and Salem Police working in tandem. Joint police also took this time to push leftist protesters back, mostly by forcefully shoving those in the back of the pack closest to the police line, further down the block away from the right-wing protesters, and at least one arrest [of a leftist protester] was made at this time. This event ended quickly when the leftist group departed and marched back to Pringle Park.
Of note, there were two events that took place that were not mentioned in this timeline or were only mentioned briefly: another right-wing flag waving rally in Vancouver, Washington and a celebration dance party that took place in Downtown Portland. The flag waving rally ended without incident besides some members of the press being accosted by rally-goers. The celebration began as an impromptu Biden-Harris flag waving downtown during the day, which then grew into a full-blown dance party that went on into the night.
Scheduled Events
- Break the White Silence – Noon
- [Right-Wing] Stop the Steal Rally – Noon
- Week of Action Rally – 3 pm
Stop the Steal Rally
Just arrived in Salem, several flag flying trucks have driven by already.
— Cascadianphotog Media (@Cascadianphotog) November 7, 2020
Stop the Steal in Salem
— Melissa “Claudio” Lewis (@Claudio_Report) November 7, 2020
There is currently a "stop the steal" rally in the OR state capital Salem. Trump supporters are assembled in front of the capital building. #Election2020 #Oregon
— Justin Yau (@PDocumentarians) November 7, 2020
The crowd of trump supporters are making speeches in front of the capital building about a variety of things including covid is a scam, mail in voting is a scam and needs to stop, and the election is being stolen.
— Cascadianphotog Media (@Cascadianphotog) November 7, 2020
Hi there coming at you live and undercover at the Trump Salem rally, where at least 200 people have gathered to "stop the steal"
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
Most or the people here are regular folks. I'm seeing the occasional AR15, but the majority of people here are (in my judgment) not here for violence
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
Also, there's whatever the fuck this is:
Right-wing protesters are not kind to press members in the area.
I am sensing some anger from right wing protesters today.
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) November 7, 2020
Some protesters are armed at the event:
— Melissa “Claudio” Lewis (@Claudio_Report) November 7, 2020
A speaker whose name I have missed says this election is going to the Supreme Court and that nothing is over until it's certified
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
"We need to stand by President Trump!"
She too says she'll accept the result, but only once we account for massive election fraud
Speaker says A.P. doesn’t decide election and doesn’t accept Biden victory, until votes are “certified”
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
Someone in the crowd says “antifa are on their way”
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
People talking about Antifa heading this way. A show of hands for everyone "exercising their 2md amendment rights"
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
Maybe 1/5 say they are
Crowd at least 300 at this point
Speaker just said "Where We Go One, We Go All," so Qanon has entered the building
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
I mean we knew that but yeah
Trump supporter chant “fuck antifa” and “fuck the press”
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
"We know we are free and we won the election and Donald Trump IS going to be the President in 2021." The speaker is from the Oregon Patriot Coalition, who I wrote about in this Bellingcat article:
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) November 7, 2020
Cross is explaining that the three stripes in the "Biden" logo (the E) is an allusion to Chinese communism
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
Cross was a candidate for Attorney General
Michael continues to complain that his opponent, Ellen Rosenbaum, tried to stop the police in Portland from wearing protective gear during riots. This is untrue.
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) November 7, 2020
A counter-protester is chased out by aggressive right-wing protesters.
Trump supporters chase Richard out
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
Most of the crowd are suburban parent types
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
A man who introduces himself as a Dallas, Ore physician says his practice never shut down for COVID and neither he nor his staff wore masks. He petitions the crowd to take off their masks, “take off the mask of shame.”
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) November 7, 2020
There is an impassioned plea for people to stand up and not allow people to “loose freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the ability to have free elections”
— 45th parallel absurdist brigade (@45thabsurdist) November 7, 2020
An impassioned plea from a lady who moved here from Texas last year to reopen schools and stop the teaching of BLM and sex Ed curriculum, and to oppose teachers organizing for safe workplace conditions
— 45th parallel absurdist brigade (@45thabsurdist) November 7, 2020
The event appears to be wrapping up and attendees begin leaving the area.
I think the last speech has been given. The event seems to be slowly dispersing.
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) November 7, 2020
We’ve heard from a member of Oregon Patriot Coalition, who talked about murdering the governor in private chats, and we’ve heard from a canidate for Oregon attorney general. The crowd size seem to be getting smaller but still about 100 here.
— Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie) November 7, 2020
Rain, briefly. The crowd starts to thin slightly. Trump trucks honk as they drive past one last time
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
Still at least 200 here, and the ratio is shifting. Normies leaving, PBs staying. Still a minority, but these things matter
Until Michael Cross comes back for another speech for the crowd:
Actually, Michael Cross is back briefly, telling people that Biden's victory is a victory for China.
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) November 7, 2020
Crowd is definitely down to below 100. Trump-caravan vehicles proceeding west on Court St, interspersed with normal-ass vehicles and one car that might have been playing the “fuck Donald Trump” song.
— 45th parallel absurdist brigade (@45thabsurdist) November 7, 2020
A group of Proud Boys head out, parts of the crowd follow.
— Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie) November 7, 2020
Aaaaand now it looks like the Proud Boys are headed back towards the Capital.
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) November 7, 2020
Punisher flag with trump hair
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
The brave patriots spot @2lesslegs and run him off
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
20+ people chasing a dude in a wheelchair
Braver than the troops
Maybe 100 left. Most of the armed people are still here
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
Still lots of kids and families
They take a moment to express their dislike of Antifa, who are not present at this time
A small group of counter-protesters come to the rally.
As I sent that last, a small line of BLM supporters formed to stand against the vastly larger crowd
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
No violence, just lots of yelling and OK signs
There might be more trump flags than American flags
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
The same guy leading the "fuck Antifa" chant earlier tells the crowd we're done playing nice. That if Antifa comes out they're gonna leave with a black eye
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
An even louder chant of "Fuck Antifa"
"Let them hear you all the way to Portland!!"
The crowd is riled up
Oregon state police walk through. To note: several people have been shoved, maced, or punched. No unlawful assembly declared.
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
I overhear rumors of 100 Antifascist in a nearby park
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
There are about 5 Antifascists standing silently across the street while the people neare threaten to fuck them up
Trump supporters surround car of BLM supporter, punch car and one person throws a cigarette inside
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
The guy with the bat is immediately taken to task by a couple different people. "We aren't like that!" they tell him
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
Groups are patrolling and searching for Antifa. Maybe don't walk around alone near the Capitol right now
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) November 7, 2020
State police watching argument, proud boys talking to them
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Trump supporters rip BLM sign from woman, State police move in to separate
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Eventually the BLM protesters withdraw, but it’s sort of hard to tell because “Don’t tread on me” cape and co. keep yelling “there’s one race, the human race” at the middle of the crowd for quite a while after.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) November 8, 2020
There is talk among the protesters of crashing the left-wing demonstration about half a mile away.
The remaining crowd is talking about going to Pringle park; where left wing activists are holding a demonstration
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Break White Silence March
At the same time, a black youth-led march is happening in Portland. [Or click here for the same clip with closed captioning.]
I need you all to listen to @Jahdi_ as he talks about performative allyship. Time and time again I hear Black activists asking for the white/non-Black community to come to their events. Whether it’s Justice for Patrick Kimmons march or Fridays for Freedom — where are y’all at?!
— not too shabby gabby ✨ (@PDXGabs) November 8, 2020
“Just because Biden won, doesn’t mean the work is done.” Fridays for Freedom march in SW hills is taking up space and making noise even in the rain. #BLMPortland #PdxProtest #PortlandProtest
— not too shabby gabby ✨ (@PDXGabs) November 7, 2020
Making this march accessible to all thanks to Fingers Crossed Interpreting (find them on insta)! We have now taken over Multnomah Village. #PortlandProtest #PdxProtest #BLMProtest
— not too shabby gabby ✨ (@PDXGabs) November 7, 2020
Video ID: Andrew, in all black, stands on a truck and signs along with Jahdi who holds the mic.
Marching in SW Portland
— Mimosa Mariah (@MariahMacaronio) November 7, 2020
Moment of silence with our fists raised. There are hundreds of people here chanting and marching for Black Lives Matter and the total abolition. #PdxProtest #PortlandProtest #BLMPortland
— not too shabby gabby ✨ (@PDXGabs) November 7, 2020
“All I’ve seen all summer is white people prioritizing parties and white claws over Black lives. White people, this is your job to fix.” – Black youth speaker from Fridays 4 Freedom wondering where her white “allies” are right now. #PortlandProtest #PdxProtest #BLMProtest
— not too shabby gabby ✨ (@PDXGabs) November 7, 2020
Week of Action Rally
An anti-fascist rally in Salem, which moved locations hours before the event due to safety concerns, begins at 3 pm.
Land acknowledgement delivered by a 6th generation Oregonian
— 45th parallel absurdist brigade (@45thabsurdist) November 7, 2020
And here is number 14.
— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) November 7, 2020
Note: The “Antifa Tank” is present at this demonstration, and journalist Melissa Lewis pops a sick wheelie in it on her first try.
I got to ride in the tank finally @genialanarchist filmed me (at her own risk)
— Melissa “Claudio” Lewis (@Claudio_Report) November 7, 2020
Now at a left-wing post election protest also in Salem. A couple hundred gathered, much less armed people here compared to the “Stop the Steal” rally, but there are a few armed leftists.
— Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie) November 7, 2020
There is a left wing gathering in Pringles Park in Salem OR. There is live indigenous music & speakers. #Election2020 #Oregon #BlackLivesMatter
— Justin Yau (@PDocumentarians) November 7, 2020
Folks are sharing zines and giving out food. Currently most of the crowd is gathered around listening to speeches in the park.
— Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie) November 7, 2020
Several blocks from the capitol building, about ~100 people are gathered at Pringle City Park for a separate rally. Upon arriving at the park, a speaker addressed the crowd:
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
“Enough is enough, and our communities have had enough. It’s a new world but our fight still remains.”
A member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs participates in this drum ceremony before speaking to the crowd:
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
“My people come from these lands. The lands were standing on right now … We all know what the fight is, which is the white supremacist system we live in.”
Julianne Jackson, founder of Black Joy Oregon, speaks:
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
“I’m so excited — I can only call it a ‘reign of terror,’ because that’s how I feel — that it’s over. But what’s not over is the fight for my freedom.”
Just before 5 pm, demonstrators begin their march.
The crowd from Pringle Park are marching now through Salem, Oregon.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
A group of ~50 people began marching out of Pringle Park and down Church Street, chanting “all cops are bastards!”
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
Within a block, they are met by a line of riot police who order people to disperse within 5 minutes.
Marching has begun with chants of "A C A B, All cops are bastards" here is Salem, Oregon.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
Officers have already formed a line and are blocking protesters from marching.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
Minutes after protesters begin marching, Salem Police block the street and declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.
Announcements of this being declared an unlawful assembly and use of tear gas warnings.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
More officers have shown up now.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
Salem police department tell protestors to get out of the road and obey all laws, to note: this warning was not given at Trump rally
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Protesters continue marching by going around officers.
Protesters have now started marching using the sidewalk and going around officers.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
To note: state troopers presence at the Trump rally was minimal, not wearing in riot gear, and on bicycles instead of heavy vehicles
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
The right-wing rally is still at the Capitol building, waiting for the leftist demonstration to come through.
Trump supporters and state police are at Capitol building waiting for BLM protesters
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Protesters arrive at the Capitol Building to confront the right-wing rally.
Black Lives Matter protesters cheer as they arrive at the Oregon State Capitol building, which has the words “YOU’RE FIRED” projected onto it.
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
BLM supporters arrive, Oregon state police stand in between
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
BLM supporters -Oregon state police- Trump supporters
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Standing immediately next to the first row of police facing Black Lives Matter protesters is a person wearing a “DON’T TREAD ON ME” bandana and carrying an assault rifle.
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
This far-right protester never left the area when the crowd showed up and had his tire slashed. He then reached for a pistol on his hip.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) November 8, 2020
Oregon State Police advances on protesters, pushing them further down the sidewalk.
Oregon State Troopers begin yelling “Move!” while pushing protesters down the sidewalk in front of the capitol building. A trooper shoves one person walking away into a pole and then again into the street. Pops ring out in quick succession, like something being shot.
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
Oregon state police push BLM supporters back
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Oregon state police make announcement to get off the road and obey all traffic laws
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Salem police make an announcement demanding all people get back onto the sidewalk. Some protesters yell back:
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
“All day you let white supremacists terrorize our city!”
“You’re standing where a woman was bear maced today!”
A left-wing protester is arrested:
Police arrest this person and walk them from the crowd. The Salem police continue to tell protesters to get out of the road and obey traffic laws.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) November 8, 2020
State troopers walk back to their lines
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Kudos to those who could hit the high notes pitching in on this tune:
BLM protestors sing imperial death march to state troopers
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
Protesters march back to Pringle Park and the night ends in Salem.
After being repeatedly told to leave the street in front of the capitol building by Salem police, protesters began marching back to Pringle Park (followed closely by a riot van).
— Cata Gaitán (@catalinagaitan_) November 8, 2020
Signing off from Salem with these images of banners on display earlier today at the park. Night. ✌?
Downtown Portland Dance Party
Back in Portland, a celebration dance party downtown that began during the day has stretched into the night.
“Fuck Donald Trump” ?
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 8, 2020
- Cata Gaitán – CashApp: $catalinagaitan / Venmo: @catalina-gaitan
- Cory Elia (KBOO) – CashApp $CoryElia / / Venmo @Cory-Elia
- Gabby @PDXGabs
- Garrison Davis – CashApp $hungrybowtie /
- Jacob Hanning & Melissa Lewis @Cascadianphotog – Cashapp: $cascadianphotog / Venmo: cascadianphotog /
- Justin Yau @PDocumentarians – CashApp: $portlandindepend / PayPal:
- Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) – CashApp/Venmo: misanthrophile / PayPal:
- Mariah Macaronio – Venmo/CashApp: momentsbymariah
- Melissa “Claudio” Lewis – Cashapp: $ClaudioReport / Venmo: Claudio_Report
- Robert Evans
- Sergio Olmos (OPB)
- Suzette Smith
- 45th Parallel Absurdist Brigade – CashApp: $45thabsurdist / Venmo: the45thabsurdist
Indigenous Action
- In victory, Biden pledges to unify nation
- Oregon’s mental health system falls short for people of color. A state lawmaker is trying to change that
- Trump isn’t conceding to President-elect Biden
- Trump’s attacks on mail-in ballots rankle some military vets
The Oregonian
- Celebration, protests in Portland, Salem after Biden defeats Trump
- Joe Biden pledges to be a president who seeks unity in victory speech
- Kamala Harris pays tribute to Black women in VP acceptance speech
- `They’re in the hot seat’: Portland’s new commissioners face fierce pressure to reform police [Subscriber Exclusive]
- ‘This isn’t over!’: Trump supporters refuse to accept defeat
Portland Mercury
- Biden/Harris Win! (BYE, BITCH!)
- Good Afternoon, News: Special Post-Election “You’re Fired, Trump” Edition
- Here’s Who Biden/Harris Should Thank for Their Victory
The Stranger
We Out Here
Willamette Week
- Portlanders Pop Bottles, Dance in the Streets Upon News Donald Trump Lost
- Protests, Riots, Tear Gas? Nothing Can Shutter a 24-Hour Doughnut Shop in North Portland.
Agencies Present
- Oregon State Police
- Salem Police Department
Oregon state police are handling this event, they are not wearing riot gear
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) November 7, 2020
Note: it is unclear which of the arrestees were right-wing or left-wing protesters, but there is video footage of at least one left-wing arrest.
- Assault IV
- Disorderly Conduct
- Interfering with Police
- Offensive Littering
- Unlawful possession of firearm
- Unlawful use of OC