On Saturday, a youth-led neighborhood protest held speeches and marched through the Lents neighborhood. Downtown, a large religious rally with anti-mask messages drew BLM counter-protesters. In the evening, protesters gathered at Peninsula Park in north Portland for speeches, then marched to the Portland Police Association building.
When they arrived, protesters built barricades to block traffic from driving through the street where people were standing. At approximately 11:37 PM, the Portland Police announced an unlawful gathering over the LRAD. Shortly after, a fire was set inside the PPA office. At this point, the police declared a riot and pushed protesters to the north up Denver Ave. More barricades were formed, and the next push drove protesters to Kenton Park. The riot line held while protesters danced to “I Will Survive”, then the police retreated, firing more smoke and impact munitions. Protesters returned to the PPA building and were again pushed back through neighborhood streets. The groups of protesters continued to be split up, as more arrests were made, and some marched on while others returned again to the PPA building. This pattern continued with increasingly smaller groups until past 2 AM.
At least one legal observer was arrested, and members of the press were injured by munitions.
Scheduled Events
- Youth-led Protest Against Police Brutality – 3 PM at Berryville Park (SE Taylor & 92nd)
- Peninsula Park: Defund the Police! Refund the People! – 8 PM
Starting out today with an afternoon rally and march in East Portland:
Walking up to the Youth Led Black Lives Matter Rally and protest against police brutality in SE Portland at Berrydale park
— Jake “wear a mask” Johnson (@FancyJenkins) August 8, 2020
Candice Jimenez of Warm Springs offers a beautiful land acknowledgement & Danica Love Brown (Choctaw) speaks to the vital importance of mutual aid#BlackLivesMatter #PDXprotests #PortlandProtest
— Jules Boykoff (@JulesBoykoff) August 8, 2020
“Black Lives are magic!” Most of the people who come out of their houses are excited and showing support for the marchers one lady seemed vaguely skeptical. “March with us!” chants to encourage neighbors to come out of their houses and into the streets.
— Jake “wear a mask” Johnson (@FancyJenkins) August 9, 2020
Pt 2 of initial march
— Jake “wear a mask” Johnson (@FancyJenkins) August 9, 2020
“Black Lives are magic!” Most of the people who come out of their houses are excited and showing support for the marchers one lady seemed vaguely skeptical. “March with us!” chants to encourage neighbors to come out of their houses and into the streets.
— Jake “wear a mask” Johnson (@FancyJenkins) August 9, 2020
At Waterfront Park this evening, there’s an anti-mask religious rally, and Black Lives Matter counter-protesters:
I’m at the waterfront with the Hold the Line group, led by Sean Feutch. From my understanding, they’re are a faith music based activist.
— Jovanni (@jovannithe1st) August 9, 2020
Some counters protesters.
— Jovanni (@jovannithe1st) August 9, 2020
Counter protesters chanting “Jesus was Brown, killed by the state.”
— Danny Peterson (@DannyJPeterson) August 9, 2020
The Peninsula Park event is setting up, and there’s pizza ?
I have been given a slice of pizza from @PDX_RA
— Jasper Florence (They/Them) (@JFlorencePDX) August 9, 2020
Which was from rudys pizza which is black owned
Really good pizza
Wall of vets are marching in.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
The event begins with speeches:
Crowd is up to about 200. Destiny Houston is giving a riveting prepared speech about reallocating police funding, being the change, good trouble, and those we have lost.
— Good Trouble ?? (@MacSmiff) August 9, 2020
“Instead of calling the police we can have community members standing by ready, highly trained individuals to come and handle mental health crises, to come and handle sexual violence. We can get back to loving each other.” – @ogdestiny74, #PortlandProtest 8/8
— pdx law grrrl (@pdxlawgrrrl) August 9, 2020
Z, a youth protester, speaks to the crowd about being proper allies.
— Good Trouble ?? (@MacSmiff) August 9, 2020
So glad to see her growth. I’ve known her for 70 some days.
Zee says white protesters can take off their armor, but as a Black woman she can’t take off why racists target her. She said Black people still question white performativity at protests, and isn’t sure if it’s a Portland or West Coast thing.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
“we saw thousands of people out here from George Floyd. Now, where are those people? Where is that anger? There are things happening every day but you all ignore that. You put it away and focus on your coffee order instead”
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Up next is @MacSmiff. He talks about gardening as stress relief, and how he did so in the front yard so he couldn’t get snuck up on by zombies (possibly literary ones but also his neighbors).
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
Defunding the police will free up money to help the community, “but it’s also a moral imperative”
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
He talks about how how the people getting arrested at these protests are black and indigenous people. “That’s how they show us they’re in control”
He talks about the importance of transformation
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
“People ask when these protests are going to stop. I say: when we have change that we can feel in our black bodies”
He points to free food and medical care at protests as signs we can make these things happen in larger communities and make society more equitable. @MacSmiff knows we can’t all quit our jobs and go to the frontlines, but we all have talents that can be used.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
“Maybe instead of kids getting in trouble for fighting and getting criminal records they need to go to the gym and work out for free. Because it’s cheaper for us to send a kid to a gym than it’s to send them to jail. We are paying for the criminalization of children.” – @MacSmiff
— pdx law grrrl (@pdxlawgrrrl) August 9, 2020
Dad’s organized tonight’s events. Everything was free and donated. We got kombucha, vets, hydration station, audio, music, with cashapp and venmo’s available for all. This is what mutual aid is. A reminder a March and protest is happening in “well, anarchist time”
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Interlude before the march:
Some nice speakers
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
The crowd surrounds the gazebo with their fists raised, chanting “No cops! No prisons! Total abolition!”
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) August 9, 2020
Demetria Hester encouraged protesters to vote for Teressa Raiford.
— Portland State Vanguard (@psuvanguard) August 9, 2020
The march is starting!
Day 73 of #PortlandProtests leaving Peninsula Park S on Albina
— John #PortlandProtest (@Johnnthelefty) August 9, 2020
“no justice no peace, take it to the streets and fuck the Police”
— Jasper Florence (They/Them) (@JFlorencePDX) August 9, 2020
I was at the beginning of the march, but after 90+ seconds I didn’t see the end of this march for Black lives.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
Hundreds on the streets in North Portland. #PortlandProtests
— Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 9, 2020
Marching with a crowd that approaches 1k. I can’t see the beginning or the end. They’re heading west.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) August 9, 2020
Passing lots of white people in houses with black lives matter signs up. People scream “out of your house into the streets” as we pass.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Passing signs on fences at N Denver & Rosa Parks. There’s a stay-at-home dadtifa out thanking protesters and said he has to stay in for his sleeping toddler.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
Some of the protesters walk on the sidewalk and talk to people in their yards, advising them how to prepare their homes for potential tear gas deployment in the neighborhood.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) August 9, 2020
Portland protests day 72
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 9, 2020
The march arrives at the Portland Police Association:
Police warning protesters at the PPA building. #PortlandProtests
— Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 9, 2020
Protestors have just arrived to the Portland police associating building, about half the crowd walked past and continued East. The LRAD has given a use of force warning
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 9, 2020
Back in the field…
— Good Trouble ?? (@MacSmiff) August 9, 2020
DJ LRAD warned as we approached that any attempts to start a fire will be met with tear gas.
We’re about 300 deep.
Vehicles and a garbage bin are blocking the road. The last time protestors held demonstrations here a vehicle drive aggressively through the crowd
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 9, 2020
Protesters doing some graffitis on the precinct building. Banging on the boards
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
PPA building is not on fire
Graffiti on the Portland Police union building. #PortlandProtests
— Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 9, 2020
Crowd chanting, graffiti, wall of vets guarding a street. Vans and dumpsters as blockades, the group is just hanging out. No cops.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
The wall of moms are back, standing adjacent to the police association building
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 9, 2020
Meanwhile, a dumpster fire a full block away from the PPA building.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
Protesters have turned dumpsters over at either end of N Lombard, between Denver and Campbell. But they didn’t seem interested in setting this one on fire.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) August 9, 2020
I ask a person in black bloc if this is a new direction, still using dumpsters as barriers but not starting fires.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) August 9, 2020
“Yeah! Because starting fires doesn’t solve anything,” they say.
As if on cue, a plume of smoke appears at the other end of the protest.
“Dammit!” they say.
Some protestors are banging on the door of the PPA building, it’s unbreached
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 9, 2020
Large crowd of bloc with umbrellas and shields guarding those near the PPA door. When people try to film or livestream they shut it down. Smart group.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Dumpster s’mores?
Smore Justice, Smore Peace
— Good Trouble ?? (@MacSmiff) August 9, 2020
We did it for the graham… cracker.
An unlawful assembly was declared at about 11:37 PM:
LRAD declares an unlawful assembly without explanation
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
Unlawful assembly declared
— Jasper Florence (They/Them) (@JFlorencePDX) August 9, 2020
Protesters appear to have started a fire in the PPA offices:
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
Protestors started a small fire inside PPA
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 9, 2020
At about 11:41 PM, a riot was declared:
First push north by riot cops of the evening #portlandprotests
— Peter (@gravemorgan) August 9, 2020
Riot declares. Protest driven several blocks
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
Officers pushed crowd north
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Another blockade was quickly formed about one block away from the riot police line. #PortlandProtests
— Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 9, 2020
Police drive protesters away from PPA to the intersection of Watt Street and Denver Avenue. Police declared protests a riot approximately 15 minutes ago.
— Portland State Vanguard (@psuvanguard) August 9, 2020
Crowd is now in downtown Kenton. Riot declared, tear gas threatened. Blockades and dumpster fires have moved north with the crowd #portlandprotests
— Peter (@gravemorgan) August 9, 2020
Pushed again
— Jasper Florence (They/Them) (@JFlorencePDX) August 9, 2020
Ppb pushed through a barriee made by protestors
More threats also
Need some humor relief?
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Injured reporter:
Press person @sethdunlap was hit by a less lethal munition. He was on the ground and unresponsive for an agonizing number of seconds, during the chaos of the rush.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) August 9, 2020
Protest driven into Kenton Park. Something spicy in the air but my respirator is holding up
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
“You’re a bunch of cowards! Go home! You don’t even live here! This is MY neighborhood! “
Protest crowd split into multiple groups. Riot@police leading charge with munitions, vehicles coming behind them to pick up arrested protesters.
— Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 9, 2020
Cops mace
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Protesters ended up in Kenton Park for a tense standoff/ dance off.
— Suzette Smith (@suzettesmith) August 9, 2020
Another press injury (from other comments I think this is @econbrkfst, who documents munitions):
Press shot in the hand.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Police fire a large amount of what I think was smoke, then leave. My god there were a lot of them
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
Crowd regrouping. Less attrition than I thought. They are water. They are flowing back
Cops retreat and shoot some gas
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
After regrouping at Kenton Park, protesters are headed back:
My lips are spicy as fuck and we’re on our way back to PPA.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Police have locked down the space where the protesters were, now blocking and protecting the police union building where there was a small fire earlier. Still pushing some protesters through a residential area, Kenton, in N. Portland. #PortlandProtests #pdxprotest
— Shane Burley (@shane_burley1) August 9, 2020
Riot line out. Shields and barricades are forming at front of protests. A half a block divides us. Lrad is whispering its still a riot. Lrad is now, once again, claiming press has to leave as well.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Police tell protesters, journalists, and legal observers they’ll get arrested if they don’t leave PPA “and the surrounding area. LRAD crackling badly.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
Weve been pushed into a neighborhood legal observers and press have been told to leave
— Jasper Florence (They/Them) (@JFlorencePDX) August 9, 2020
Kettle situation. Cops told protesters to go east but pointed west. I’m now a little north, at N Interstate and Fenwick.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
Police slashed the Snack Van tires yet again:
@SnackVanTM tires slashed. What a surprise.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Notice there’s no arrest here. A brutal slam. Catch and release
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
The idea is to hurt people extralegally#PortlandProtests #PortlandOregon #PortlandStrong #BlackLivesMatter #acab #PoliceBrutality #protest2020
Officer kept getting aggressive towards group of nlg, commanding officer told them “i want you guys off the sidewalk let them be” thirty seconds later he went back to sidewalk and yelled at them
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Protesters have been chased to almost N Columbia, which is 10-12 blocks north of the PPA building. Saw some really aggressive cop shoves.
— ?️?Andrew D. Jankowski?️? (@AndrewJank) August 9, 2020
The police drove us into Kenton Park, charged us. “You’d better run!!” they screamed, which to me aufrsted they just wanted the protest to run. Which it did. Then they stopped
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
Then they announced that the park is closed per city code
Cops pushed protestors to a park. They then singled out random folks walking and decided to rush trying to arrest.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
A group has gotten separated and is still marching:
Small group moving down Argyle past Burrage. “Cops two blocks up! Moving parallel!”
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
The smaller the group gets, the more dangerous it is
Not sure where everyone else is
I’m the only press with this group. I’m hearing they did that thing where they kept the press back and then sprinted. I ran across a road at the last minute and I guess that made all the difference
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
A few protesters are back at the PPA:
Made my way back to ppa, theyre boarding up the door and rolling away the dumpster, handfull of folks left
— Jasper Florence (They/Them) (@JFlorencePDX) August 9, 2020
PPB securing the front of the Portland Police Association building after demonstrators lit a small fire inside earlier. #PortlandProtest #pdxprotest
— Shauna Sowersby (@Shauna_Sowersby) August 9, 2020
The group that was marching is now 4 blocks north of the PPA:
And we’ve been met by the cops at Denver and Winchell
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
Targeted arrests threatened very specifically over the LRAD. Press reminded that we aren’t allowed to be here because the First Amendment is a relic of a more civilized time
Cops just passed and yelled at press running “run faster dumbass”
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
They tell press they can’t engage yet they yell at press constantly.
“your mom hates you” song directed at the cops.
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
This officer is required to give them a business card. He said “okay come grab it” then drove away while laughing and saying “oh oops. Here come get it”
— Griffin – Live from the Justice Center (@GriffinMalone6) August 9, 2020
Flashing lights in the video that follows:
Filmed arrest of Kat, a ACLU observers
— Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 9, 2020
Neah got arrested myself
Gonna take a sec to upload it all#PortlandProtests #PortlandOregon #PortlandStrong #BlackLivesMatter #acab #PoliceBrutality #protest2020
You can see the legal observer is still being shoved down the road. And then they do the same to a couple on the right side after ripping a shield out of someone’s hands.
— John #PortlandProtest (@Johnnthelefty) August 9, 2020
Long night… but here we are at 7-11 in NOPO after several bullrushes, the faithful let PPB know that mama isn’t proud.
— Mathieu Lewis-Rolland (@MathieuLRolland) August 9, 2020
CW for transphobia:
Male PPB officers detaining a female protestor and patting her down w/ no female officers present. I asked if they had a female officer to do patdown, one responded by “nope” the other said, “how do you know I don’t identify as a female?” Other officers laugh. #PortlandProtests
— Shauna Sowersby (@Shauna_Sowersby) August 9, 2020
Arrests appear to have continued as smaller groups continued to protest past 2 AM.
- Andrew D. Jankowski – CashApp $AndrewJank
- Danny Peterson (KOIN)
- Griffin Malone – CashApp $griffinmalone
- Jake Johnson @FancyJenkins – CashApp: $bucksarecool / Venmo: jakefartstoo /
- Jasper Florence – Venmo: JFlorencePDX
- Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) – CashApp/Venmo: misanthrophile
- Mac Smiff – CashApp: $MacSmiff
- Peter @gravemorgan
- Piper McDaniel (The Oregonian)
- Portland Independent Documentarians – CashApp: $portlandindepend / PayPal:
- Sergio Olmos
- Suzette Smith
The Oregonian
- Protest medics in Portland not spared from force, targeting by police
- Freelance journalists and live streamers face crowd control munitions, arrests to cover Portland Black Lives Matter demonstrations
- Portland protests continue for 73rd day throughout city Saturday
Washington Post
Trump sent agents to quell unrest. But protest is what Portland does best.
Willamette Week
Agencies present
- Portland Police Bureau
- Oregon State Police
Munitions used
- Impact munitions
- Smoke
- Pepper spray
Votes on what to do
— Jasper Florence (They/Them) (@JFlorencePDX) August 9, 2020
Photos of munitions found
Number of arrests
- Interfering with a Peace Officer
- Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
- Riot
- Resist Arrest
- Escape in the Third Degree
- Unlawful Directing of Light From a Laser Pointer
- Assaulting a Public Safety Officer
- Attempted Assaulting a Public Safety Officer