Protests for August 29


On Saturday, Trump supporters gathered at Clackamas Town Center, just SE of Portland, for a mass “car cruise” rally. The north section of the parking lot filled with trucks waving a variety of flags indicating their support for Trump, the police, the Proud Boys, and militia movements. A small group of Black Lives Matter counter-demonstrators were also there with their own signs. At about 5 PM the rally began to leave to drive into downtown, a process which took a significant amount of time due to the number of vehicles involved. As they exited, Clackamas County Sheriffs officers guided traffic.

The caravan made its way across the Morrison Bridge and into downtown, where they drove in circles as more trucks entered from across the river. Counter-protesters attempted to block the vehicles entering the bridge, and two people fought, then riot police stepped in to arrest them and clear traffic for the Trump supporters. Similar confrontations were happening in downtown, including incidents where a person drove into BLM protesters who were blocking their way, spraying mace, physical assaults, and shooting paintball rounds and rubber pellets at BLM supporters and press. Police continued to help the pro-Trump group by keeping counter-protesters away from vehicles, and ignore violence toward counter-protesters, even when these incidents were pointed out.

Much of the Trump caravan left downtown after their circuit, and by 8:30 PM large groups of Black Lives Matter protesters were gathering at the Justice Center. Just before 9 PM, there was a shooting nearby at SW 3rd and Alder, and the victim died at the scene. Details are still coming in and we will link to related articles below. Smaller groups of protesters remained outside the Justice Center after midnight, with many leaving due to safety concerns.

Also on Saturday evening, a small Black Lives Matter protest marched to the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office in Troutdale, just NE of Portland. A couple of Boogaloo Bois were seen nearby, but no other counter-protesters. After speeches and chants, the protest concluded uneventfully.

Scheduled Events


Today’s timeline will be split up into sections, because there’s a large pro-Trump car rally this afternoon where counter-protesters are likely, in addition to other events.

Trump/Back the Blue Rally

This event is staging at Clackamas Town Center, where a mass shooting took place in 2012.

This rally is big enough that some participants are arriving downtown while others are still leaving the start point.

People are still making their way downtown.

Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer has been spotted. This group is well-known for organizing white supremacist rallies in Portland, which Jeremy Christian was seen attending before he stabbed three people on a MAX train (killing two) in 2017.

CW for verbal threat (sexual violence)

As many of the drivers leave downtown, BLM protesters are gathering at the Justice Center:

Someone has been shot:

Confirmation that the person shot has died:

Back at the Justice Center:

Additional details about the shooting:

This rumor is so far unconfirmed but many protesters appear to be dispersing.

A firework was thrown, no injuries are reported:


Black Lives Matter protesters are gathering near the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office in Troutdale, which is an eastern suburb of Portland.

Protesters discuss whether to march with the police escort the organizer has arranged. They vote to march alone.

A small Boogaloo group is spotted:

The protest appears to have ended after these speeches.




CW for graphic images in the articles about the shooting death

Associated Press

1 killed as Trump supporters, protesters clash in Portland

Daily Beast

One Shot Dead as Hundreds of Trump Supporters Descend on Portland

The New York Times

Deadly Shooting in Portland After Pro-Trump Ralliers Clash With Protesters


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

One Dead After Shooting During Pro-Trump Rally in Portland

Portland Tribune

Man killed at Portland protest linked to Trump cruise-in


One shot dead in Portland as rival protesters clash

Willamette Week

One Person Shot to Death Amid Trump Caravan in Downtown Portland


Agencies present

  • Portland Police Bureau
  • Multnomah County Sheriffs Officers
  • Clackamas County Sheriffs Officers

Munitions used


Number of arrests



We’re unable to confirm which part of the protest the people arrested are aligned with.

  • Disorderly Conduct II
  • Criminal Mischief II 
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer 
  • Reckless Burning 
  • Unlawful Possession of Firearm