The demonstration downtown in front of the Justice Center and federal courthouse remained largely uneventful throughout the night. Protesters had snacks from the snack van, ate barbecue, and individuals on bullhorns made speeches. There was no documented law enforcement presence until around 1:30 AM. At this time only one journalist from the night was still there, and has video of law enforcement in the U.S. Marshals’ camouflage uniform giving verbal commands to protesters to back off federal property, including the sidewalk around the courthouse.
Scheduled Events
Vanessa Guillen and BIPOC United Rally – 6 PM
Early in the night, a Homeland Security car was spotted near the federal courthouse downtown.
Oh! I forgot I saw this Homeland Security car when I first got here. Chill chill chill. Also, a Gresham police car just drove by on 3rd and the crowd hated it.
— Lindsey Smith (she/her) (@LindseyPSmith7) July 7, 2020
I regret to inform you that the fireworks have begun.
— Lindsey Smith (she/her) (@LindseyPSmith7) July 7, 2020
Most protesters remained around the Salmon and 3rd street area, which was also where the snack van and barbecue station were.
Some people are building a barricade on Salmon and some people are setting off big fireworks on Salmon and they are NOT getting along with each other.
— Lindsey Smith (she/her) (@LindseyPSmith7) July 7, 2020
There’s also a big barbecue situation at Salmon and 3rd, featuring Snack Van and tonight’s first good boy alert ???
— Lindsey Smith (she/her) (@LindseyPSmith7) July 7, 2020
The new plywood on the federal courthouse is now reinforced with… something. Can’t get too close.
— Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 7, 2020
Protesters largely staying across the street from the courthouse and JC tonight. I haven’t seen anyone approaching the buildings, knocking, throwing things, otherwise instigating
Oops, speaking of instigating… a couple protesters are pointing lasers at windows of the courthouse.
— Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 7, 2020
Another spotlight from the courthouse.
— Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 7, 2020
Wild how many protesters are out without masks when they are clearly being watched by federal officers.
Around 11:40 PM, protestors moved towards the Justice Center.
Moved over to the Injustice Center #portlandprotests
— Cozcacuahutli Itzpapalotl (@KohzKah) July 7, 2020
Protesters chanting the name of Philando Castile to mark the 4th anniversary of his death. He was murdered by a police officer during a traffic stop in Minnesota on July 6, 2016.
— Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 7, 2020
Five minutes to midnight. No visible police/law enforcement presence yet tonight, other than whoever was shining bright lights down from the top floors of the courthouse.
— Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 7, 2020
Still no signs of law enforcement on the ground.
— Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 7, 2020
How much money do you think is going towards paying all of the PPB, DHS, CBP, US Marshals, maybe MCSO, etc, who are stationed inside the justice center and federal courthouse, watching the protesters?
Looks like its a wrap
— Cozcacuahutli Itzpapalotl (@KohzKah) July 7, 2020
The night had been quiet until around 1:30 AM, when federal agents emerged and began moving protestors away from the federal courthouse.
Oh that’s why
— Cozcacuahutli Itzpapalotl (@KohzKah) July 7, 2020
- Lindsey Smith – CashApp: $LindseyPSmith7 / Venmo: Lindsey-Smith-55
- Tuck Woodstock – CashApp $tuckwoodstock
- Portland Independent Documentarians – CashApp: $portlandindepend / PayPal:
- Cozcacuahutli Itzpapalotl @KohzKah – CashApp $cozca
Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Deployed To Portland Protests
Portland Mercury
Portland Police Union President Calls on Officials to “Defend Portland”
Agencies Present
- Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service
- U.S. Marshals
Munitions Used
Number of Arrests
None confirmed as of 3pm 7/7