Protests for October 11


During the day a right-wing Back the Blue Rally took place downtown. Estimates put the number of attendees of this rally around 50-60 people. During the rally, attendees ransacked a houseless camp at Chapman Park next to where they were demonstrating, graffitied buildings and at least one statue, and deployed pepper balls and mace against the comparatively small group of counter-protesters that had come to oppose the event. By the end of the demonstration, right-wing protesters retreated to a parking garage and eventually left from there in their cars while escorted by police.

More importantly, today is Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage. Accordingly, an indigenous-led march was slated for the evening. This event called strictly for no cameras to be recording and absolutely no live-streaming. At sunset, protesters gathered under the Burnside Bridge and then marched downtown, the end location of which was not disclosed. Journalists on the ground reported that the group moved with deliberate energy and purpose, and despite numbering around 300 people were able to stay together effectively. Within a few minutes of reaching the South Park Blocks downtown, protesters were able to topple two statues, one of Theodore Roosevelt and later one of Abraham Lincoln. Soon after, an unlawful assembly was called and then quickly upgraded to a riot and the crowd dispersed. Some of the group were followed and pushed by Portland Police by the waterfront, but for such an eventful night, very few arrests were made. The demonstration ended by about 10:30 pm, although Portland Police harassed and arrested a member of one of the snack vans a little bit later.

Scheduled Events


A Back the Blue Rally began early in the day downtown, at some point during which attendees begin harassing a houseless encampment in the area.

Content Warning: c- slur used in the video below.

The group of protesters move back towards Chapman Square after briefly standing at the site of Aaron Danielson’s death.

As right-wing protesters leave in their cars, they are escorted by Portland Police officers.

By around 4:20 pm, attendees of the Back the Blue rally leave the area and counter-protesters focus their efforts on aiding the houseless encampment that was attacked by rally-goers.

In the evening, a demonstration honoring Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage begins at sunset. Indigenous organizers have said that cameras and live-streaming will not be permitted at this event.

The demonstration departs from their meeting place under the Burnside Bridge just before 8 pm and begins marching to an undisclosed location.

At 8:30 pm, Portland Police began making announcements to the moving crowd.

Protesters take down a statue of Theodore Roosevelt located in the Park Blocks downtown.

Minutes later another statue comes down – this time of Abraham Lincoln.

The Oregon Historical Society and Museum sustained some damaged.

At around 9:35 pm Portland Police declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Minutes later the declaration updates to a riot.

A group of protesters that had splintered from the main demonstration are pushed by Portland Police at the waterfront.

Protesters disperse quickly after the initial push.

By 10:30 pm most protesters have cleared the area.







The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Willamette Week

Sunday Night Riot, Vandalism of Oregon Historical Society Met With Widespread Condemnation, Criminal Charges


Agencies Present

Portland Police Bureau






Criminal Mischief in the First Degree, Reckless Endangering, Unlawful Use of Pepper Spray, Assault in the Fourth Degree, Criminal Mischief in the First Degree, Riot, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Possession of a Loaded Firearm in Public