Protests for September 21


The main protest for the night began at Laurelhurst Park with a march slated to go to the nearby Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) Penumbra Kelly Building. About 100 community members began at Laurelhurst Park and, at around 9:15 pm, arrived at MCSO. The night consisted of activists giving speeches, performances, and dancing. The only interaction that the group of protesters had with law enforcement was at least one announcement from the sheriffs’ loudspeaker. Law enforcement officers did not confront protesters at the MCSO building.

At the same time as the bulk of protesters demonstrated outside MCSO, a much smaller group remained present at The Red House, the site of last night’s protest. The inhabitants of the Red House, a black indigenous family that is facing eviction, has been drawing on community support to keep their home. As the demonstration ended at MCSO, many members of the group made their way to the Red House around midnight to continue the night of protests. There, a journalist reported being watched by a Portland Police officer in a cruiser, but no altercation occurred.

Protests at both sites remained calm throughout the night; by around midnight most folks had left MCSO, either to head home or to the Red House. The demonstration at the Red House lasted throughout the night, with community members remaining on the lot of the house camped out on the lawn.

Scheduled Events


Penumbra Kelly Building

Protesters gathered at Laurelhurst Park for the nightly demonstration.

Just after 9 pm, protesters departed from the park and began marching.

At about 9:15 pm, protesters arrived at the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) Penumbra Kelly Building.

A staple at the Portland protests, an older man named Richard, stood in the parking lot of the Penumbra Kelly Building prompting the sheriffs to make the first announcement of the night on their loudspeaker.

An individual came to the demonstration and began confronting protesters. Multiple reports indicated that he was intoxicated.

Some protesters went from the Penumbra Kelly Building to The Red House, the location of last night’s protest.

The Red House

At the Red House, a small group of community members spent the night camped out on the lawn, just as they had yesterday. Local activist Emily Gansberg was present before reporters arrived later in the night.





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Agencies Present

  • Multnomah County Sheriffs





