Protests for December 13


Early in the day an announcement goes out that the Kinney family, residents of the Red House, have negotiated with the city to remove the barricades around the house in exchange for a moratorium on their eviction.

The Red House calls on volunteers to come help clear the barricades.




Daily Kos


The Oregonian

The Skanner

Protests for December 12

Scheduled Events


As the evacuation defense at the Red House enters its 4th day as a blockade (Note: the eviction protest has been ongoing since September) protesters begin the day with an interfaith morning prayer.




The Guardian

The Hill


The New York Times

The Oregonian

Protests for December 9


With most of the protest community occupied at the Red House on Mississippi, Portland Police turned their attention to Laurelhurst Park early in the morning. Residents of the park and community members began fighting a sweep of the houseless encampment when it was first announced a few weeks ago. Protesters were successful at blocking police from doing so initially, but with most people doing community support elsewhere, police came back this morning and cleared the entire camp, displacing all of its residents.

Concurrently, today was the second day of the Red House Eviction Blockade. Protesters and varying groups continue to provide mutual aid within the blockade, and there has yet to be a significant police presence since their initial attempt at evicting the Kinney family (the residents of the Red House) yesterday. Things were relatively calm, besides the area being harassed by aggressive trucks of right-wingers, until about 9:30 pm when two cars drove by and threw explosive devices towards one of the entrances of the barricade. Thankfully, no one was hurt by this attack. Protesters remain at the Red House as it enters its third day of eviction defense.

You can donate to the Kinney family here.

Scheduled Events


Laurelhurst Park

Early in the morning police arrive at Laurelhurst Park to clear a houseless encampment.

By 2:20 pm Laurelhurst Park has been cleared out and all of its residents displaced.

The Red House on Mississippi

The eviction blockade at the Red House that began yesterday morning continues.

Organizers of the Red House eviction blockade begin a press conference at 1 pm.

Check out journalist Brian Conley’s thread, which begins here, for a much more detailed recounting of the press conference:

Community members show their support by bringing supplies and neighboring businesses have opened their facilities to protesters.

At around 9:35 pm, two vehicles drove by the Red House and individuals inside threw explosives towards protesters. No one was hurt by this attack.

SOUND WARNING: The footage below contains loud explosions.





Al Jazeera

Courthouse News Services

It’s Going Down




The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Willamette Week

Yes! Magazine


Agencies Present

  • Portland Police Bureau (Laurelhurst Park Sweep)







Protests for December 8


At about 5 am this morning, residents of the Red House awoke to police at their door attempting to forcefully evict them. Many of their belongings were haphazardly tossed outside and they were given a small amount of time to gather their things and vacate the premises. In response, the community mobilized and came to the aid of the Kinney family, a Black and Indigenous family who have lived at the Red House for decades and have been fighting eviction since September. Community members showed up in numbers and were successfully able to push the police back, but not before 7 people were arrested including two members of the Kinney family. After the departure of riot police, community members took to building a barricade around the block of the Red House and have remained in the area all day, anticipating the eventual return of the police. While police have not returned throughout the day or the next morning, protesters remain in the area and the barricades are still up.

The Kinney family issued a press release about the day’s events here.

You can also donate to the Kinney family here,

Scheduled Events


Portland Police Officers arrived at the Red House on Mississippi early in the morning in an attempt to evict the family who has been living there and protesting their eviction. The community came to their aid.

After protesters successfully push back riot police, community members begin removing the fencing around the Red House.

Protesters have erected a barricade around the street of the Red House.

At 6 pm Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler makes this announcement on his Twitter:

Protesters have remained in the area throughout the day, anticipating the return of police.




AP News

Democracy Now!

Double-Sided Media

Future Human


The Nation


The Oregonian

Yakima Herald


Agencies Present

  • Portland Police Bureau




7 + 6


Trespass II, Resisting Arrest

Protests for December 6


Note: The next day there have been reports of possible COVID exposure at the PDX Mutual Aid Share Fair event and Abolish I.C.E! protest in Portland on this date. If you were at either event please consider self-quarantining and getting tested if possible for the safety of others.

Two protests took place in and around the Portland area today, the first of which was a Vigil for Kevin Peterson Jr. in Vancouver, Washington. This event was organized by Kevin’s family and, anticipating a right-wing presence, they urged attendees to not engage with ill-acting counter-protesters at Kevin’s memorial. After listening to speeches by black community members, the demonstration marched through the streets of Vancouver, passing groups of right-wing counter-protesters along the way but not engaging with them. The demonstration marched to the location where police killed Carlos Hunter last year, where they stopped for speeches and then marched back to their starting point. Both ways of the march were met with small pockets of right-wing groups, but attendees were successful at outright ignoring individuals in those groups and the demonstration ended peacefully.

The second protest was an Abolish I.C.E demonstration at their facility in Southwest Portland. This demonstration drew around 25-30 people after it was announced on social media hours before it began. Nearly 1/3 of the crowd was arrested last night after some protesters tagged the federal building and Homeland Security declared the gathering a riot. Multiple ambulances were seen entering and leaving the grounds of the facility after arrests were made. With numbers dwindling, the demonstration ended around midnight.

Scheduled Events


A demonstration demanding justice for Kevin Peterson Jr., which was organized by his family, begins at 1.

One journalist speaks to the mother of a friend of Kevin Peterson Jr.

A group of right-wing counter-protesters have been spotted in the area.

Protesters listen to speeches by community members.

The group begins preparing to march around 2:15 pm.

At about 2:25 pm the demonstration begins their march.

The demonstration passes a group of right-wing counter-protesters.

Protesters stop to listen to speeches at the site where police killed Carlos Hunter last year.

The demonstration once again passes a group of right-wing counter-protesters.

The demonstration arrives at the U.S. Bank parking lot where Kevin Peterson Jr. was killed, where they started.

In the evening, a demonstration in front of the ICE facility begins and is immediately met by federal officers.

Just after 10:10 pm, Homeland Security declares the gathering a riot.

By around midnight, after several arrests, the night ends.




Portland Mercury

Hundreds Join Family of Kevin Peterson Jr. in Memorial March


Agencies Present

  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service




No information from Homeland Security.

7 arrests reported by journalists on the ground.


No information as of Noon 12/7

News for December 5

A protest in Olympia, Washington turned violent earlier today when far-right counter-protesters attacked left-wing protesters at a rally against hate groups. Far-right counter-protesters physically assaulted leftists, and at least one shot was fired by a member of the far-right side. There are reports that at least one individual was grazed by the bullet and a suspect has been taken into custody by Olympia Police.

In Portland however, there were no protests today.



The Oregonian

The Olympian


Protests for December 4


There were two different demonstrations outside of Portland tonight, one in Salem against hate groups and one in Eugene calling for justice for Aiden Ellison, a black teenager who was killed by a white man for playing loud music in Ashland, OR and Muhsin Sharif, who was shot by Eugene Police earlier this week.

In Salem, protesters gathered at the Capitol building, where they listened to speeches before marching. This demonstration unfortunately had the attention of right-wing individuals in the area and faced a lot of harassment and threats from passing cars as well as cars driving erratically and dangerously near protesters. Despite the threats, protesters marched to the new Salem Police precinct, where they drew in chalk on the grounds and taped letters addressed to Salem Police on the doors. This demonstration ended by around 8:30 pm.

In Eugene, protesters gathered despite the cold to listen to speeches and march to a vigil for Muhsin Sharif. This march, unlike the one in Salem, was not plagued by the presence of aggressive right-wing counter protesters, however there was a heavy police presence following the march. Fortunately police didn’t interact with the march or protesters for the duration of the demonstration, and it ended by around 9 pm without any incident.

Scheduled Events


Salem, OR

A rally against hate groups and calling for police accountability begins in Salem at 5 pm.

Some protesters were attacked by right-wing individuals in the area.

Protesters begin preparing to march.

A van drives erratically near the group of protesters, almost hitting multiple people.

Protesters arrive at Salem Police’s new station at about 7:30 pm.

By about 8:30 pm, the demonstration comes to an end.

Eugene, OR

At the same time, a protest is also taking place in Eugene, Oregon.

Just before 7 pm protesters begin marching in the street.

The Kentucky Prosecutors Advisory Council denied the family of Breonna Taylor’s request to have a special prosecutor present Breonna’s case to a grand jury today.

Muhsin Sharif was shot by Eugene Police on Monday, November 30th. He is currently in the hospital recovering.

By around 9 pm the demonstration is coming to an end.







The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

The Washington Post


Agencies Present

  • Salem Police Department
  • Eugene Police Department







Protests for December 2


A small group of around 25 protesters demonstrated in front of the ICE facility tonight. The protest was largely uneventful, and police only came out to confront protesters when cars were coming in or out of the building.

Scheduled Events


A small group of protesters congregate at Elizabeth Caruthers Park, then march to the ICE facility in Southwest Portland.




Al Jazeera

The Hill

It’s Going Down



The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Portland Tribune

Willamette Week


Agencies Present

  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service







News for December 1



The Hill


The New York Times


The Oregonian


Portland Mercury

The Washington Post

News for November 28


A few clashes between right wing folks and anti-fascists occur in the evening at Pioneer Square downtown, but don’t appear to be related to any protest.




The Oregonian