Protests for December 6


Note: The next day there have been reports of possible COVID exposure at the PDX Mutual Aid Share Fair event and Abolish I.C.E! protest in Portland on this date. If you were at either event please consider self-quarantining and getting tested if possible for the safety of others.

Two protests took place in and around the Portland area today, the first of which was a Vigil for Kevin Peterson Jr. in Vancouver, Washington. This event was organized by Kevin’s family and, anticipating a right-wing presence, they urged attendees to not engage with ill-acting counter-protesters at Kevin’s memorial. After listening to speeches by black community members, the demonstration marched through the streets of Vancouver, passing groups of right-wing counter-protesters along the way but not engaging with them. The demonstration marched to the location where police killed Carlos Hunter last year, where they stopped for speeches and then marched back to their starting point. Both ways of the march were met with small pockets of right-wing groups, but attendees were successful at outright ignoring individuals in those groups and the demonstration ended peacefully.

The second protest was an Abolish I.C.E demonstration at their facility in Southwest Portland. This demonstration drew around 25-30 people after it was announced on social media hours before it began. Nearly 1/3 of the crowd was arrested last night after some protesters tagged the federal building and Homeland Security declared the gathering a riot. Multiple ambulances were seen entering and leaving the grounds of the facility after arrests were made. With numbers dwindling, the demonstration ended around midnight.

Scheduled Events


A demonstration demanding justice for Kevin Peterson Jr., which was organized by his family, begins at 1.

One journalist speaks to the mother of a friend of Kevin Peterson Jr.

A group of right-wing counter-protesters have been spotted in the area.

Protesters listen to speeches by community members.

The group begins preparing to march around 2:15 pm.

At about 2:25 pm the demonstration begins their march.

The demonstration passes a group of right-wing counter-protesters.

Protesters stop to listen to speeches at the site where police killed Carlos Hunter last year.

The demonstration once again passes a group of right-wing counter-protesters.

The demonstration arrives at the U.S. Bank parking lot where Kevin Peterson Jr. was killed, where they started.

In the evening, a demonstration in front of the ICE facility begins and is immediately met by federal officers.

Just after 10:10 pm, Homeland Security declares the gathering a riot.

By around midnight, after several arrests, the night ends.




Portland Mercury

Hundreds Join Family of Kevin Peterson Jr. in Memorial March


Agencies Present

  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service




No information from Homeland Security.

7 arrests reported by journalists on the ground.


No information as of Noon 12/7