January 20, 2021 Protest – Abolish ICE


After a few hours of rest after Revolution Hall Portland is back out for another protest tonight, this time at ICE. The night began at Elizabeth Caruthers Park, where protesters gathered and began marching from at 9:10 pm. Upon arriving at the ICE facility in South Portland, the 150-or-so protesters chanted at the gates and a small amount of graffiti was applied to the plywood on the side of the building. This prompted an immediate unlawful assembly declaration from Homeland Security and the arrival of officers in riot gear.

What followed for the next few hours was round after round of relentless tear gas being deployed by law enforcement and multiple targeted arrests. There are many reports of those on the ground, including those wearing gas masks, who became very sick because of the gas; one protester also collapsed due to a seizure triggered by a strobing flashlight a federal officer was using. After hours of protesters and police pushing back and forth, towards and away from the ICE facility, by midnight numbers had diminished and the demonstration ended.

A Note on Gas Used Tonight

There have been many reports of adverse effects from the gas used by federal officers tonight, even for those wearing gas masks. It is unclear if what was used tonight is different from the gas used in the past or if it was the sheer volume that has affected protesters, but Dr. Juniper L Simonis and other researchers studys police munitions and could use mask filters for research purposes.

Team Raccoon, who do community cleanup and have provided protest equipment in the past, are also offering to exchange spent filters for new ones.


A demonstration at the Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) building is scheduled to begin at 8 pm.

At about 8:17 pm Portland Police make an announcement to protesters ahead of the event while people are still gathering in the park.

Around 9:10 pm, protesters begin marching towards the ICE facility.

At about 9:15 pm, protesters arrive at the ICE facility.

Just before 9:30 pm, Homeland Security officers declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Federal officers in riot gear appear behind the facility gate just before 9:45 pm.

Federal officers shoot a copious amount of smoke/tear gas grenades and impact munitions at protesters.

Typo clarified by tweet author below: “shout” is meant to be “shoot”.

Portland Police officer on bicycles arrive on the scene.

Officers retreat back towards the ICE facility.

As protesters are pushed back towards ICE, more munitions are deployed at them by officers.

*FLASH WARNING*: The footage below contains a rapidly flashing light.

Another angle of an officer macing a protester that is already on the ground:

An officer appears to have misplaced a part of their equipment:

Homeland Security once again declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

By midnight the protest has ended.

Media Present


Agencies Present

  • Border Patrol Tactical Unit
  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service
  • Oregon State Police
  • Portland Police Bureau


  • flash bangs
  • tear gas
  • pepper balls
  • smoke grenades
  • mace




  • Assaulting a Public Safety Officer
  • Attempt Assault of a Public Safety Officer
  • Disorderly Conduct II
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer 
  • Reckless Endangering 
  • Resisting Arrest 

January 20, 2021 Protest – J20 “Fuck the State. Fuck Biden.”


Today is Inauguration Day; this morning Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn is as President and Vice President of the United States. But for anti-fascists across the country, there is still a lot of work to be done despite the new Democrat president. Portlanders gathered at Revolution Hall for a march and were immediately met by Portland Police officers, who asked for protesters’ IDs and searched them for weapons. Officers with bicycles continued harassing the 100-or-so protesters gathered at the park until withdrawing just after 3 pm, allowing the growing crowd to finally march. At its peak, attendance of the march was estimated around 300 people.

The group of protesters got as far as the river before becoming splintered. Some of those in attendance wanted to go over the bridge, while others were moving towards the convention center further north. In stasis due to indecision, most of the group ultimately decided that marching back to Revolution Hall would be better than staying still. As they marched back officers returned and physically splintered the group. Targeted arrests were conducted and protesters were brutalized in the usual manner by Portland Police. By around 4:25 pm the demonstration ended and protesters attempted to leave the area. However, multiple protesters were arrested while leaving the demonstration, including one medic.


An Inauguration Day protest begins at Revolution Hall in Northeast Portland at 2 pm.

Gathering protesters are immediately met by Portland Police officers on bicycles.

Officers return and confiscate a banner, seen above.

Munitions are deployed by Portland Police.

At about 3:10 pm protesters begin marching.

The Portland Police loudspeaker van (a.k.a. “DJ LRAD”) arrives and makes an announcement to protesters, telling them to stay out of the road.

DJ LRAD: “Move to the sidewalks, now.”

At about 3:45 pm protesters arrive at the Democratic Party of Oregon HQ building and promptly smash the windows.

Officers on bikes return to the protest.

As protesters attempt to leave they continue to be harassed and arrested by officers.

Media Present


Agencies Present

Portland Police Bureau


smoke grenades




  • Criminal Mischief I 
  • Criminal Mischief II 
  • Criminal Mischief III
  • Disorderly Conduct II 
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer
  • Possession of a Destructive Device
  • Reckless Burning
  • Resist Arrest 
  • Riot

January 14, 2021 Protest – Justice for Patrick Kimmons


Letha Winston, mother of Patrick Kimmons, leads protesters in her weekly demonstration demanding justice for her son, who was shot and killed by Portland Police in 2018.

Protesters stop to listen to Letha Winston speak.

The demonstration ends by 1:30 pm.

Media Present


Police Present


January 6, 2021 Protest – Stop the Fascist Coup


After a turbulent day at the Capitol Building in Washington D.C., Portland’s left-wing protesters hold a demonstration of their own with a message to “stop the coup”.

Another individual drives aggressively near the protest and tries to hit protesters.

Portland Police order the crowd to disperse over their loudspeakers (LRAD).

Officers in riot gear appear on the scene around 9:55 pm.

Officers then retreat shortly after.

The banner below reads: “DC cops opened the gate for a lynch mob. Do you think PDX pigs are more loyal? Disarm, Defund, Abolish, before it’s too late.”

Around 10:48 pm police declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Protesters decide to disperse and the night ends by 10:55 pm.

Media Present


Agencies Present

Portland Police Bureau



January 5, 2021 Protest – Solidarity with Kenosha


The District Attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin announced today that no charges would be brought against the police officer who shot and permanently paralyzed Jacob Blake in front of his children. In response, Portland held a protest in solidarity with Kenosha. This demonstration began at Peninsula Park, the location from which protesters marched to the Portland Police North Precinct. The 100 or so protesters stood outside the precinct chanting, and a small shield line endeavored to slowly move their way up the North Precinct driveway.

The initial appearance of police in front of the precinct was prompted by protesters moving a fence that was around the building, which officers came out to readjust. Officers then came out two more times during the demonstration and conducted targeted arrests, including at least two members of press, and assaulted protesters and press alike. After a night of being chased, arrested, and assaulted by riot officers, but few to no munitions deployed, the demonstration ended by around midnight.


Protesters gather at Peninsula Park for a demonstration in solidarity with Kenosha after the announcement today that the officer who shot and paralyzed Jacob Blake would not face charges.

Protesters arrive in front of the Portland Police North Precinct just before 9:30 pm.

*FLASH WARNING: The footage below contains a rapidly flashing light.*
Video Description: A group of approximately 13 officers wearing riot gear move a metal fence back into place after it was moved by protesters. Off-screen, protesters can be heard shouting profanities at the officers

Upon emerging from the precinct a second time, Portland Police conduct several arrests including one individual marked clearly as press.

An officer grabs and smashes the camera of Dr. Juniper Simonis, researcher and member of the press, continuing their trend of assaulting/arresting press tonight.

The demonstration comes to an end by midnight.

Sean Bascom, the journalist arrested in Justin Yau’s footage above, marks that he is out of police custody less than an hour after being detained.

Media Present


Agencies Present

Portland Police Bureau




  • Resulting in Citation: 2
  • Resulting in Booking into Jail: 2


  • Trespassing
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer 
  • Disorderly Conduct II
  • Attempt Criminal Mischief II 

December 31 Protest – New Years Noise-Making Event


Despite the coming of the new year, tonight’s protest looked straight out of Portland’s summer season. Protesters were back at the Justice Center in numbers for the first time in a long time (not counting the Remember Wounded Knee memorial a few days ago, which started at the Justice Center but then moved to ICE), and it seems some time off has reinvigorated the community. Protesters began the night with speeches, fireworks, and setting several items on fire including a crosswalk light and a plastic dumpster.

The fires prompted an announcement from the Portland Police LRAD that the gathering was declared an unlawful assembly and, minutes later, a riot. Shortly after, Portland Police arrived and were able to push protesters a few blocks before they began throwing bottles and fireworks at officers. After being pushed back to the Justice Center by protesters, reinforcements from Homeland Security and Multnomah County Sheriff’s arrive. The joint forces managed to push protesters back a few blocks once again, bull rushing and causing injury to protesters at least once, before withdrawing at midnight. Protesters took the opportunity to move away from the Justice Center and migrated towards the Pioneer Square area, where some took to smashing windows and at least one store was reportedly looted. A small group of police officers came to the area to disperse protesters, but the night ended not long after.


The New Years protest demonstration begins at the Justice Center in Downtown Portland.

A small fire has been set behind the fence surrounding the federal courthouse.

Just before 10:45 pm, Portland Police declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

The dumpster that was lit on fire does not handle it well.

Minutes later, at about 10:50 pm Portland Police declare the gathering a riot.

Officers in riot gear arrive just before 11:15 pm.

After pushing protesters about one block west, officers retreat.

Homeland Security (DHS) officers then arrive to confront protesters.

In the footage below, protesters are seen being shoved to the ground from behind by sprinting police officers.

A group of protesters move to the Pioneer Square area, a few blocks from the Justice Center and federal courthouse, where windows are smashed.

Media Present


Agencies Present

  • Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service
  • Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office
  • Portland Police Bureau


  • mace
  • pepper balls
  • smoke
  • tear gas


Arrests reported, numbers not available


Not available as of 1/1

December 29 Protest – Remember Wounded Knee


On the 130th anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre, protesters begin a remembrance demonstration in front of the Justice Center downtown.

Protesters then move to the ICE facility in Southwest Portland.

Just before 10 pm federal officers make an announcement to protesters over their loudspeakers warning that those who trespass on federal property are subject to arrest.

A line of officers come out to stand in front of protesters but quickly go back inside the facility after a few minutes.

Around 11:05 pm federal officers reemerge and appear to make a targeted arrest.

The individual who was arrested is promptly released.

Officers rush out once again to confront a group of about 5 protesters.

Media Present


Agencies Present

Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service

Munitions Deployed

pepper bullets

News for the week of December 28

Protest News

Daily Beast

Proud Boys Are at War With Their Female Extremist Wing

It’s Going Down

Native News Online

Wounded Knee Massacre 130 Years Ago: We Remember Those Lost

The New Republic

The Year When Everyone Bullied Their Mayor

The New York Times


Justice Department Declines To Prosecute Cleveland Officers In Death Of Tamir Rice


The Oregonian

Portland Mercury

Guest Editorial: What’s a New Year?

Portland Tribune

Portland protests will keep heat on in 2021, observers say

Willamette Week

Environmental Impact

Dr. Juniper L Simonis (@JuniperLSimonis) went through some of the storm drains in Portland today, January 3rd, looking for munitions that have been used by the police during the protests. They invited press to come along to document their findings; journalist Laura Jedeed (@LauraJedeed) has a very informative Twitter thread here.

Eviction Defense

The Oregonian

Property next to ‘red house’ on Mississippi may be donated to nonprofit serving Black Portlanders

Portland Tribune

Lot next to Red House on Mississippi will be donated


It’s Going Down

ICE Detainees In New Jersey Go On Hunger Strike In Demand For Freedom


It’s Going Down


Another inmate dies as Oregon Department of Corrections begins COVID-19 vaccinations

Willamette Week

Oregon Prisons Begin Vaccinating Staff Against COVID-19

Law Enforcement

Portland Mercury

The Year in Review: Portland Police Have Used Force Against Protesters More Than 6,000 Times in 2020

Portland Tribune

Police reform will move forward in 2021

The Washington Post

Trump policing commission calls for independent probes of officer shootings, more technology use

Presidential Election

The Atlantic

Trump Crosses a Bright Red Line

The Hill

Bipartisan group of senators: The election is over


‘This Was A Scam’: In Recorded Call, Trump Pushed Official To Overturn Georgia Vote

The Oregonian

Ted Cruz, 10 more GOP senators join Donald Trump in effort to overturn election

December 26 Protest – Remembering the Dakota 38


Community members gather in Downtown Portland for a memorial service on the 158th anniversary of the Dakota mass hanging.

The Abraham Lincoln Statue mentioned below was pulled down by activists in October on Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage; the pedestal still remains in the park.

The memorial comes to an end around 8:45 pm.

Some context and images of the memorial:

Media Present


Agencies Present


December 19 Protest – Abolish ICE

Protesters gather at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Southwest Portland.


The demonstration begins just before 9 pm.

Federal officers (DHS) make an announcement over their loudspeakers.

One arrest is made by federal officers.

Around 10:25 pm, federal officers declare the gathering a riot.

Around 10:45 pm federal officers rush protesters and make another arrest.

Media Present

Melissa “Claudio” Lewis – Cashapp: $ClaudioReport / Venmo: Claudio_Report


Agencies Present

Department of Homeland Security – Federal Protective Service




No information from DHS, 2 reported by journalist on the ground


No information